I hate to admit it but I'm quite a fan of American Idol shows. Not to say I run around checking run times but I happened to stumble upon this while searching for a video I saw mentioned on VH1. This isn't American Idol but its rough equivalent in Britain called Britain's Got Talent. Simply put, this woman is amazing.
Unfortunately all the vids I could find have the embedding disabled but
linkie! She doesn't start singing until 1:55 but even the start without her singing is worth watching. She's such an adorable woman. So much ♥. Apparently she's become this huge sensation and has appeared on other shows such as the View and Larry King Live. I'm amazed I haven't heard of her before.
Another amazing singer from the same show that originally caught my attention is Paul Potts, a cell phone salesman who blew everyone away with his opera singing in 2007. He won the contest and has already released a CD.
linkie! questofdreams got me addicted to Dogs. If you haven't read this manga you should.
First there's Naoto.
When she was young her parents were attacked and killed by some psycho sword man. Naoto somehow managed to survive the attack though she has a very large scar over her breasts from where the sword man sliced her. I don't want to give out spoilers so basically she wants revenge on the person who destroyed her life and gave her that scar. Honestly I liked her from the get go. She's strong but completely sorrowful and overwhelmed at times. She's had such a shitty life and it shows in her quiet actions.
Seconds there's Haine, the guy whose got every woman's panties in a knot.
Surprisingly it was hard to find a decent picture of this guy
Let's see where to begin with Haine. Ummm he's fucked up. Like literally. This guy's backstory was so messed up and weird it was hard for me to read at times. He was experimented on as a child where they were trying to turn him into some sort of crazed fighting machine with insane strength, speed, and the ability to heal fast. Because of this he occasionally snaps and goes nuts biting people. All in all he's a weird fucker and nutty as squirrel shit. A hot fucker but still weird.
And lastly my favorite, Badou.
Honestly he's just as nutty as Haine. He smokes like a chimney and is Haine's partner in...whatever it is they do. He's missing an eye. How the hell he manages to shoot so well with screwed up depth perception is beyond me but I guess that just adds to his awesomeness. He's also a coward until he runs out of nicotine, then he too tends to snap and goes on rampages with lots of swearing and complaining about...well, just about everything. He's a private investigator and a superb gunsman. He's sarcastic, rather blunt, but kind in his own way. I bloody adore him. I want to have his little red-haired babies and bang him harder than his gun goes off.
There are tons of other characters that are awesome (like Nill and Ernst stupid name and Magato and Giovanni and Lily) but this is good enough!
The plot is interesting, its creepy and weird and a mindfuck that makes me want to crawl under the covers and deliberate my own humanity. It can be a bit confusing because it switches between the present and flash backs several times and introduces quite a few characters but that may be because I tend to speed read through mangas the first time. I had to read it twice to fully understand what was going on. But that's no problem because I've already started reading it a third time.
It starts here and
continues here. I was so upset when I thought it ended after the first six chapters. It was a like a cruel and unusual punishment. I highly recommend it.