A book review

Mar 24, 2009 16:01

Just a list of the books I read over spring break and brief summaries thereof, plus a list of the books I intended to read but did not. (The books are in order of how I liked them)

The Books I read:

Ysabel ~ Guy Gavriel Kay
    A very gracefully written book, and of the selection that I read this past week it had the greatest ‘page-turner’ appeal.  The characters and feelings were well developed, and there are no worries of a sequel.  I have mixed feelings about that as I really liked the characters, but the book is definitely done.  I am not sure what the intended audience was as the protagonist is a young high-schooler, and he is captured and rendered as such, though I found him likable, but the story is rather subtle, parts are grim and very well made.  My favorite book of the week and I am looking forward to reading more by the author.

The Name of the Wind ~ Patrick Rothfuss
    This is the best first person narrative that I have read in a long time.  Kvothe doesn’t have the wit and attitude of Corwin of Amber, but his towering intellect is captured and displayed well along with his cleverness and other abilities.  Additionally the world building is done in a very subtle but also convincing manner, and elements of seemingly modern science and thought fit smoothly into the weave of the novel.  There are elements of FitzChivalry in Kvothe, who at this stage is young and just beginning to find his way about.  The uniqueness of this book is in the unfolding of the tale.  The beginning, which is a bit slow, is third person and takes place in a small town that is being forced to cope with odd occurrences, and there are ‘interludes’ to this place and time throughout the story, and it is actually very cool how the interludes are tied in.

Warrior Heir ~ Cinda Williams Chima
    I didn’t expect to like this one very much.  I thought it would be fun, but not good.  Looking at the titles and the book descriptions this seems to be a childrens' book, about the level of Keys to the Kingdom, with a good story.  However the story was good and, though predictable, highly enjoyable in its presentation.  Also, all the groundwork for the story was placed and displayed clearly and well, and simply, I found it all engaging.  Also the protagonist, Jack, was of the sort that I favor which made the story much more fun.

A Shadow in Summer ~ Daniel Abraham
    A masterfully crafted book, but not quite my cup of tea.  I really liked the read, but it was very difficult for me to engage with it and get into a good reading rhythm, despite the quality and depth of the writing.  Once I found that balance though it was very good.  The story is straightforward to an extent, but is approached from several perspectives, all of ‘good’ characters who provide the conflict.  Also, reactions and interactions to events and the world are well done with very high level of verisimilitude (quite refreshing).  Also, the world is beautifully designed and laid out, perhaps the best-written book for detail of the week, tough I am not sure that it can edge Ysabel for artistry.

Droon: Escape from the City of Dreams ~ Tony Abbott
    It is what it is.  Fun but don’t look for anything more.  However, as I have been declaiming for months, over the past 10 or so books in the series, while they are still episodic, layers are beginning to form that trace back at least 50 books and are perfect fits, not random ties by the author.  Abbott knows what he is doing. PS - watch out for the dark twist…

Plum Spooky ~ Janet Evanovich
    Again, nothing more here than what you would expect.  Some of the plot themes are wearing a bit thin and a lack of Grandma Mazur and Ranger on the main stage put this volume near the bottom of the heap.

Wizard Heir ~ Cinda Williams Chima
    I really enjoyed the first book in this series (see above), but this sequel did not have the same effect on me.  It was well written and the story was good, much like the predecessor, but I never really had the same connection with the main protagonist.  Also, there was a devastating plot twist of which I did not approve…
    PS - Gwendolyn has the opposite view of the two books.
    A great quote: "Or it could be a certain je definately sais quoi!" -Jack

Books I meant to read but did not get to:

A Clash of Kings ~ George R. R. Martin
A Storm of Swords ~ George R. R. Martin
Dragon Heir ~ Cinda Williams Chima
Interview with the Vampire ~ Anne Rice
Wizard ~ Raymond Feist
Tigana ~ Guy Gavriel Kay


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