In fact, they're my enemy right now...
Sunday, I was s'posed to be @ church @ like 7:30 - didnt happen, slept too late.
Monday, I had plans to study & crap - nope, slept too late.
Tuesday, I was s'posed to be @ work @ 8 - didnt make it - woke up in time to call in sick & then slept til noon.
Today, planned to get up early to study & clean & junk again - nope, slept too late again!!!
So, it's not been a good week for getting stuff done, but it has been a good week for sleeping late.
I wish I could be the type of person that wakes up early every morning happy to be alive & excited about what the day ahead may bring. And maybe have some coffee & breakfast & read some newspaper er whatever.
The morning wind spreads its fresh smell.
We must get up and take that in,
that wind that lets us live.
Breathe before it's gone.
~Jelaluddin Rumi (read him - it's amazing)
You didnt know I had it in me, did ya?
So anyways, I'll try to do better.... Mornings, I love you. I wish we could be friends. But that means I'd have to say goodbye to my good friend, Lots-of-Sleep. It's a hard decision to make, but it has to be done... for the sake of... something, I'm sure.