Reading about sex is like dancing about architecture

Jul 04, 2006 17:15

In the wake of reading Empowerment? "I Kissed A Girl" by keith418, which was itself a critique of Whitney Joiner's Live girl-on-girl action! on Salon, I've been reading a fair bit of related material. It's been rather thought-provoking, so I thought I should share the provocation. (Get your hand out of your pants, it's not that provocative!)

There, if that doesn't make you think about how you think about sex, gender issues, and the present state of sexual politics (and the unfortunate fact that such a term even makes sense), then I don't know what would.

And note that the above represent a wide variety of oft-conflicting views. Don't ask me which ones I agree with. Note also that the articles by keith418 are friends-locked. Don't ask me for access, ask him - nicely. If you're anonymous or have an empty journal, it's pretty much pointless to ask him at all.

read, sex

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