feel like shit...

Jul 05, 2005 18:37

"so cut my wrists and black my eyes, so I can fall asleep tonight, or die. Because you kill me.you know you do you kill me well you like it too and I can tell. you never stop unitl, my final breath is gone..."

Well this weekend was rough. It was good but rough. Too much alcohol in too little of a time frame. ANd I'm paying for it today. I feel like shit. It sucks. Saturday I got shocked with a stun gun, shot with a roman candle, and slapped idk how many times and didn't feel any of it. lol. I need to get back into school and work mode and leave the alcohol alone for a few days...atleast until friday :) "If reefer really makes you happy n***a blaze it..."- Bone Thugz-N-Harmony
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