A Phone Call to Prince Edward (backdated to 4/11/06)

Apr 12, 2006 21:38

[For royal_majesty.]

Geoff may have had worse days, he decided, but not recently. Not since that wretched time in the French prison. Not since the prince had paid his ransom, bought him back from French nobles. He'd broken a heart, drunk with a demon, fought with and been struck by the man he was committing himself to, and spent the night sleeping on a park bench. Only the fact that it wasn't the first time he'd slept drunken and under the stars had kept him from wearing his morning misery for all to see. Talking with Chihaya and meeting Freya Tuesday morning had helped his mood, but as midday rolled around Geoff realized that he had nowhere to go. He wasn't ready to go back to House, not after what had happened, not until he got some serious thinking done. And he wasn't about to distress Shane while she was still dealing with the effects of what had happened to her. And the only other person he'd have felt comfortable going to was Loz, and that certainly was no longer an option.

He sat on the bench, the one he'd slept on, for a long while, wondering if he was going to have to end up swallowing his pride and calling someone he barely knew, or Shane and Tara after all, when it hit him.

The person who'd helped him last time. The person who had almost a duty to help him, and would take that duty seriously. Edward.

Pulling his cell phone from his pocket, and the crumpled piece of paper with the prince's number, Geoff did something he'd hoped he would never have to do again. He asked Prince Edward for help.

geoff, edward

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