A Letter (NFB)

Feb 14, 2006 14:03

Dear Loz-

You have no idea how good it was to see you at the quarry. When you left, I truly believed I would never see you again. To know that you're so close by -- it gives me hope that you may not be lost after all.

I've decided to leave Fandom. I suppose I should have made this decision a long time ago, but I thought I could stand it, thought I could finish up the term that I'd obligated myself to. But if I'm so miserable I don't even want to go in to my classes, what sort of teacher could I be?

Too many people have left, are gone from my life now. I can't stay here and wait for more to leave. I suppose it seems cowardly, to do the leaving first, but there it is. Last week, Greg House left me -- he asked me to promise to bring his dog to him, and I swore I'd try. I think he's gone to the same city you're in, so that's what I'm going to do. At the end of the month, I'm going back on the road, and I'm going to try and get to where you are. Barring that, I'll head back to London. I've told Paige she could come with me -- Greg asked her to look after me and she's been trying. She doesn't know I'm heading to Tropolis first -- but if it works, I'd rather disappoint her that way than tell her we're going to Tropolis and wind up unexpectedly in London.

She won't be staying -- I don't think she'll like my time as much as she believes. It's not like the romantic tales everyone here seems to read. But she has the power to get back home when she's ready.

If my plan doesn't work, and I end up in London instead, this may be the last you hear from me. Tell Yazoo to write me, and I'll try to write back, before I leave. But if I can't, I want you to know how important you've been to me, how much knowing you has changed my life, and how deeply I miss you now -- and will miss you, for whatever time I have left.

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