Dec 01, 2005 00:22
g: hey, do you have any idea what 'postmodern' means?
k: nope
g: i keep hearing it thrown around a lot
k: heh, me too
k: i just usually hear it referred to in art
k: i don't even really know what modern art means, so it's not of much import to me
g: yeah, that i can understand (i can understand that i don't care about art periods)
g: but i hear it referred to more broadly, like as a cultural thing
g: and it's usually followed by a string of other words i don't understand
g: which pisses me off
g: because - although i don't understand what's going on - i'm still 100% sure that whoever is writing is a pretentious twat, who is full of shit, and i am smarter than them
g: so i want to understand what's going on, so i can take their smarmy ass down
g: Postmodernity (also called post-modernity or the postmodern condition) is a term used by philosophers, social scientists, art critics and social critics to refer to aspects of contemporary art, culture, economics and social conditions that are the result of the unique features of late 20th century and early 21st century life. These features include globalization, consumerism, the fragmentation of authority, and the commoditization of knowledge (see "Modernity")
g: i love you, wikipedia
g: now the term seems slightly less pretentious
g: and now it seems like something i'm going to use a lot