AWFUL day. Started off with a UNIT test in APWH that I didn't even know we had comming. I cheated but only gave myself a C. I just couldn't afford much else. The AP Psych test was ok. Then we had a quiz in Lit and a 4x4 due for reading I forgot about until like 10 last night. Great. I so needed to loose those points. On the upside I got a B on the midterm without studying, yay. I also have A's in AP Psych and Drama. I had a pop quiz in math. And we had to watch this gruelingly annoying video in Chem. EWEWEW.
Anyways, I'm still on a high from yesterday. Oh so good. And last night's dinner was to DIE for. This amazing home made beef-broth with vegetables soup. Oohhhhhhh. And a beef quiche. Exquisite. It rained today, kind of nice to be able to finally wear some fricken cold weather apparal. I think I shall go shopping for pants very soon. Also, I shall return to my forlorn gym. My sister and I will kill each other if we don't :-P. OHOHOHOH. And I downloaded the two GrEaTiSt songs. Boyz n da Hood - Dynamite Hack and Hey Ya - Outkast. Need more music. Send recommendations.
Quotes Top Jewz 4evr: fuckn 7 ppl can really ruin ur house
Top Jewz 4evr: especially when 2 of em are GADDAM ASIAN
Haloween ME Pictures - Pregnant Nun
~ Bri