Eclairing Bankruptcy

Jan 21, 2009 21:20

Money is ridiculous.

Rumors about our company going out of business spoiled most of the holiday, but now that brass has called a region-wide conference call, the managers in the Maryland ran around with her financial heads cut off.

Furthermore, my District Director wants to have a sit down with my manager and I this coming friday and monday. When asked what the subject of our meeting will be, he casually and with great comic releif changes the subject. Without general freaking out going on throughout the area, I can't help but be frustrated with the whole state of affairs.

Jobs in this day - pishaw. It doesn't seem very proper not to control more of your financial destiny. Sure, owning your own business is a total risk, but the notion of not having to wait for the other shoe to drop is possibly worth the risk. Plus, there is something totally romantic about selling shitty TallyHawk merchandise from the back of my trunk.
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