My car is back. *glee* It feels good to drive my car. Had to drive my car around town a bit when I got off work.
Honestly, I think the world has
become more idiotic by the day. YOU STUPID KIDS DON'T NEED CELL PHONES IN SCHOOL! And the parents are just as stupid as there kids. Maybe they need to go back to school for their stupidity...or get stabbed in the jaw. "They need cell phone in case of emergencies." All schools have a emergency contact numbers. You normally have to fill out a sheet of paper that has this info when enrolling your kid(s) to the schools. You can't just trust kids to have their phones off. I'm more them positive that every class is going to be interrupted by a cell phone going off. I'm sorry, but its coming to a point to where some kids are just too stupid and shouldn't even bother going to school. Now let's see them pay for there phone bill. Stupid dumb bitches. Sheesh.