1st Transmission

May 26, 2011 03:06

[The feed begins with the sight of a man tucked snuggly in a twin size bed when he’d clearly be more comfortable in a king. The figure begins to stir, eyelids flutter, before he bolts upright. Gripping the bedspread tightly he exclaims]


[The name is laced with shock and abject horror. Glancing to either side, its as if he hasn’t truly awakened yet, the scent of smoke starts further clouding his thoughts.]

We’ve been hit?!

[Given a few more moments Geo became more aware of his surroundings. This décor certainly didn’t belong in his quarters nor did anything resemble the interior of the NSX. So where was he, where was the smoke coming from? Shaking his head he collected himself.]

This-this must be some kind of illusion. [There had been rumors about the power that could be found on Cephiro, an illusion was not out of the realm of reason. Not able to risk that the fire was also an illusion, he hurried out of the room and headed downstairs. The smoke only got thicker as he neared the kitchen. Drawing a rag out of his pocket, he held it over his mouth to stifle and cease the coughing. None of the other crew members were on the scene-that meant it was going to be up to him to put out the blaze. Busting into the kitchen it was a relief to find that the fire had yet to spread, still licking the sides of….. an oven? Utilizing the available materials he managed to finally snuff the thing, and was left to examine the original cause..]

..Cookies? Who would be baking cookies at a time like this!?

[In a fit of anger he threw the tray hard against the floor, the scattered remains of the cookies decorated the kitchen tiles. Now that the immediate danger had passed he was free to recall the last thing he’d witnessed before arriving here… which he finally had decided was not aboard the NSX. Pressing his hands to a set of cabinets, he leaned forward.]


[The fate of his long time companion weighing heavier on him than being thrust into an entirely new world]


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