Less Dramatic second post

Aug 24, 2010 18:11

[Off Network; Actions;]

The sub-commander had been conveniently absent for most of the daytime hours. As much as he wanted to stay by Eagle’s side throughout his recovery there were a few minor details that had to be addressed during that time period. Besides, Hikaru was there and with their truce as well as the determination he’d witnessed to rescue Eagle at the crash site he was certain he could trust the little lady. One of the most pressing loose threads to tie up was the work and subsequent relocation of the FTO. A task that would have been substantially easier with another set of hands, either an expert mechanic or the pilot himself. A pilot tended to know more about his own mecha than anyone else.

If only he knew the whereabouts of the Gto he could have just lifted the thing. The seemingly endless hours of work eventually paid off. If the residents of the beach house were wondering where he’d been disappearing to, he wasn’t sure. None of them had asked him about it yet.

Geo still needed to have a little chat with Eagle as well. Seriously, what had he been thinking doing attempting a crazy thing like that. Just thinking about it made him grit his teeth as he worked, anger marring his features. Then again… they both knew Eagle was operating on borrowed time. His expression relaxed into something more somber. Were things looking so bleak here that Eagle truly saw that rush to the barrier the only solution? Perhaps now that there were two of them… they could devise something else. Leaning back, Geo sighed and wiped an arm across his forehead, tool still in hand. The weather seemed unforgiving in these close quarters.

“That oughta do it,” He smiled, glancing to the side his eyes settled on the weapons he’d removed from Eagle not too long ago. It was imperative to their mission not to carelessly allow their items to fall into enemy hands. Logically, he decided to hide them with the FTO. They would be safe tucked inside the cockpit. The only items he had left were harmless really. They may however have resembled weapons to those unfamiliar with Autozamian objects. A few medical supplies, a long slender cylindrical metal tube filled with candy could have easily been mistaken for the standard issue laser sword or saber to name a few.

Leaving the new hidden location, Geo was careful not to be seen as he departed. This still left.. the reconnaissance of the GTO to look forward to, but it was high time to check in on the commander personally. He’d left the device back at the beach house to be sure that no accidents could potentially occur with it’s transmissions.

[Open Action - At the Beach House]

Geo slipped in as quietly as possible not wishing to disturb his current roommates. It was an unusual place, and circumstance. Ready to relax, he still had something else to do. He headed to the kitchen and set to work preparing lunch. It had been a while since he’d had the time to cook, and after completing such a tedious operation he was feeling ambitious.

Also, he reclaimed his device and set to work on an audio post while he worked.

[Open Network - Voice]

So, I guess this is technically my second post to this device thing..

Oh yeah, sorry about that first one. I had no idea that these thing even existed back then or much less that it was switched on.

So… [Pauses searching for something to say] How’s it going out there?
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