Title: The Great Bathroom Mirror Escapades, Vol 6: OMG! Gettin' Some!
Status: Complete, and now posted bonus posts!
Rating: Eh, R, to be on the safe side, for language and implied sex.
Characters: Primarily Raidou, Genma, and Hayate.
Genre: Humor, citrus.
Summary: Next in MessyPeaches and JBMcDragon's crack-over series, combining The Kakashi Mission world, the Side Effects world, and now the Broken Ninja world! (But be happy. We only use a minor character from there, so you don't have to read it.)
Hayate is dead in every dimension. ...Well. Almost. (Links to previous volumes and the pertinent stories are in chapter 1.)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Welcome to the bonus posts! Who do you love? *Grins*
Bonus Post One: Why do you ALWAYS brush your teeth naked? So, after writing this story, Momo and I realized we had lots of other bits and pieces that just NEEDED to be written down. I suppose these aren't deleted scenes so much as scenes from this world that didn't quite fit into the story. Mostly because we didn't want to write the in between bits. *looks sneaky* Consider them extra Hayate-Raidou-Genma stories! (There are, btw, at least three.)
JBMcGroinWarrior and MessyGroinWarriorPeaches