apreciate the good times but dont take the worst for granted

Jan 22, 2005 19:40

well its been awile so i feel its time to update.

yesterday was my Birthday.

it started off with me getting kidnapped by tal han and kalyn at 5:30 in the morning and then driving to dennys for breakfast.what great freiends i have. and then after school we went to kalyns for a little gab 4 time.

im not sure when or if im gettin my license.I probably wont get it for a while.im scared to take my drive test.im scared of failing or making some big mistake or somthing.I guess we all go through it thogh right?

so recently things have felt like they are changing.it might just be me. but alothugh i feel closer than ever with my "gang" things just feel so weird.

ive been having alot of weird breakdowns lately. periods where i just cry uncontrollably for almost no reason.im not really sure whats up. but i think it might just be stress from family finals and friends. the 3 Fs

Sometimes I feel like I just need a way out. away from everything.i think i need a new hobby?

I decided im not gonna play softball this year.althought I love the game Im just not into it anymore. Jess called me today beggin me to play. so Ill prolly have second thoughts. but really last year wasnt as fun as all the past years.

Im so stressed about finals. seriously whats the point of them? NOTHING!

I miss summer so much.I miss hanging with friends everyday, not even doing anything but still having fun.I wish school would just end so summer could start again.

Do you ever have those feelings like everything is going so good you know somthing is going to go wrong?I have been feelin that alot lately.

My goal of the week is to find some time to go visit jolie at childrens.I miss her so much and im scared shes going to start to forget me.I just want to sit with her and cry and tell her how much i love her and just talk about the good old days of when we wer the best of friends.

I hope you all have a great week. GOOD LUCK ON FINALS!

<33 Jen
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