It's been almost four years since I first opened up this community. It feels ridiculous that so much time has passed! And what's more, that my graphics have changed so much. I still have A LOT of work to do, and I'll be thrilled when I can step up from GIMP to Photoshop, but that won't be happening in a while, so until then, I work with what I've got. Anyhow, I just wanted to take some time to reflect on how my graphics have changed.
It's kind of funny, I remember thinking these icons where THE SHIZ when I posted them. Back in 2006. Ha.
Bigger images:
Meanwhile you can look through 2010 to see how everything has changed!
I welcome you to do the same and post comments with your old and new work, it's refreshing to see what time (and a little practice) can do! CREDIT | COMMENT | DON'T STEAL | DON'T EDIT | DON'T HOTLINK RESOURCES | TUTORIAL INDEX | ICON SNAGGING