I need help!

Apr 15, 2009 23:51

I was going to post some fabulous icons earlier this week but, as my flist is aware of, I've had some major tech issues, and nearly all of my icon resources are completely wiped from my external harddrive. It's pretty depressing, even more depressing than having everything hotlinked. I'm needing a little TLC over here.

Please, do something to make a young woman's day a bit brighter. Comment with some links to download your favorite textures and brushes, along with sites for pictures; anything from stock to my fandoms to random anything is most appreciated. You never have enough sympathy for software or material lost until it happens to you. So glance at your own resources and help a girl out, throw it all in the pot! And of course, this post is public, so while I'd rather you provide to the post, feel free to browse the comments and add to your own collections.

NOTE: I have recovered some stuff, including my hundreds of caps from The Phantom of the Opera, which I will post here when they are all up on photobucket, as well as some miscellanious stuff, but not everything is back, and after all the viruses and corrupted files have surfaced, I must expect the unexpected.


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