Jul 20, 2005 16:26
Called the phone company this morning to inquire about the DSL. *I was very nice :-) * Seems they hooked it up monday, but for whatever reason it isn't coming into my house correctly or something, don't remember excatly what the tech dude told me. but that they would tinker with their lines or whatever and that by tomorrow it should be working.
Not going to hold my breath..lol Everything associated with me is complicated. Just one of those weird things, sigh.
Laptop developed a weird clicking noise around noon and a weird warning blue screen came on saying the something was frelled and that I should reboot. I did and a message that said windows had fixed the frelled thingy and did I want to send an error report. I'm not sure what happened. comp seems to be working ok and there is no more weird clicking noise. Got the old comp running again and set up the new dial up account, for just incase. *eek*
On the way home yesterday stopped at Wally World and picked up the original Batman movie from the dump bin. this one has all of the folks from the cast of the tv show from the late 60's and I have to say it is Teh AWsome!!!!! OMG !!!!11ELEVENTYONEBBQ111!!!! Best $5.50 I have ever spent. Batman and Robin OTP!!! OMG!!