Cydonia Application

Dec 31, 2010 13:35

Out Of Character Information!
NAME;; Neit
AGE;; 24
JOURNAL;; beckonstosafety
AIM/YIM/MSN;; AIM: listed under Plurk: collectively_unconscious


In Character Information!
FANDOM;; Kingdom Hearts
TIMELINE;; When he's still in stasis on the 7th day, after Roxas comes to see him but before they merge together -- Most of his memories are intact.

Still wearing the tight-fitting clothes from the first game, Sora is in serious need of a wardrobe change, stat!

Sora appears to be a natural swordsman, most likely due to all his training against his friends on Destiny Islands. His skill with the Keyblade increased greatly over his journey.

Due to growing up on an island filled with the only sort of 'adventure' rowdy boys could come up with, Sora gained skill wielding a sword at an early age and could be considered a natural swordsman, with or without the enhancement to his power by the 'key blade'.

Sora is also highly trained with magic. He can use all the basic elements (Fire, Blizzard, or Thunder ) as well as having gained the ability to cure others. However, due to the lapse in memory from his stay in Castle Oblivion it will take him a bit to re-train himself with these skills. They weren't fully lost, but need to be practiced; magic is a lot harder than riding a bike.

Then there are the reaction commands and other miscellaneous feats that characters are shown to posses in these games. Sora will often times be shown to posses physical abilities that are well within the realm of superhuman. Since we know that he's born human and that he didn't obtain these feats until he summoned the keyblade for the first time, it can be assumed that these abnormal abilities are linked to the blade itself and the connection to his inner power.



Sora's strengths lay in the fact that he has a strong sense of self and a clearly defined picture of what is right and wrong in the world while assuming that the majority of the grey areas are pointless to worry over. As long as people watch out for their friends their friends will watch out for them in turn and the whole world would be a whole lot happier.

Sora has the courage to stand up for what is right as well as the strength to do the right thing even when it's clearly the harder path. Even if he has to sacrifice himself for the greater good in the end he'll do it without hesitation and with a smile on his face. It's not that he doesn't value his life, on the contrary he knows that his friends rely on him just as much as he relies on them, but he's able to realize that in truly appreciating the world and everything around that one must be willing and able to sacrifice everything in order for it to continue.

Sora also has a very strong, almost incorruptible heart. Even when his mind is drawn into the darkness as a heartless he's able to keep the core of his memories intact as he finds his way back to his friends and doesn't seek to harm them.

He's also able to forgive and forget. As long as the person doing harm seems to have even a bit of heart left within them he'll find himself willing and able to help them along with their path back toward the light. ( IE: Riku, Maleficent ) He will still hold grudges, however, if the person proves that they're completely lacking in any possible sense of humanity ( Xemnas ).

Being highly competitive has its high points as well as its low. This trait allows Sora to push himself further and further without prompting from others and he'll always be as good at something as he sees need for it.

Always being the most cheerful, positive, and optimistic of the group he lends other hearts the strength they need to carry on even in times of extreme stress and strain.


Sora can be impulsive and tends to jump into things before thinking them through. If someone irks his sense of how the world should work he'll call them on it then and there and it isn't necessarily conducive to working with stubborn and hard to manage people, but Sora isn't one to hold grudges so once a rapport is built it tends to stick through thick and thin.

He is simple-minded at times as well as highly gullible and oblivious to what seems to be obvious to everyone else around him. These traits work together to make it so others can easily take advantage of him, and manipulate him and he wouldn't even realize it until it's too late. When the Organization made it clear that he was losing all his memories in Castle Oblivion but that was the only way to get what he wanted he continued along, head-strong all the way, determined to do what he had to do to find Riku. Playing right into their hands, if it weren't for Namine's betrayal and consequential return of Sora's memories the Organization would have had Sora exactly the blank slate they wanted.

While being highly competitive can be seen as a good thing, sometimes it can lead to situations of conflict and negativity. Part of Riku and Sora's continuing battles were ones contrived of their eternal rivalry and could have been solved different ways if not for their stubborn and prideful natures toward one another. Also, it can be particularly easy to goad Sora into things by playing on his competitive nature, meaning yet another hole someone with less than good intentions could manipulate.

Sora isn't dumb, but simple would be a good word for him. He can be quick to anger when something confuses him and if he's already in that state he can be downright childish. Him and Donald don't seem to get along at all in the beginning, Sora calls him 'the loud one' and doesn't even list him as part of the friends he's trying to find when they all get separated in The Deep Jungle right after they first meet.

He tends to romanticize things in his head, as he does when he becomes giddy upon meeting Captain Jack Sparrow and even going as far to ask if they could "take the pirate ship out for a spin". When forced to face the reality of piracy though, like when Hook holds Windy and Kairi captive, he faces reality as opposed to allowing himself to dream.

Not versed in any real form of ettiquite , Sora will often times act disrespectful toward forms of authority whether he realizes it or not. He also only gives respect when respect is earned, causing him to challenge pre-decided titles and norms until he feels that they were appropriately received.

Terribly non-tech savvy, if his life and others depended on it it is very unlikely that he would be able to work a computer correctly even then.

PERSONALITY;; Strengths and weaknesses aside, Sora's personality can be summed up as over all altruistic. He's unselfish, regards the feelings of others around him as best he can, and he does his best to do what is right for everyone around him. On the flipside, he can't stand selfishness and cowardice, but will forgive someone if they seem genuinely sorry about whatever they've done to earn his ire.

He lives his life as if every day is the last and strives to have no regrets. His friends are his sanctuary and as long as they're out there he is with them in heart and spirit, hoping to give them as much strength as they give him in return.

He's very mature for a 15 year old boy, having lived through more heartache and sorrow than most people his age, but even before that he just naturally knew how to deal with the world: Don't sweat the details, because in the end its all just not worth worrying about. Things happen and as long as we keep our heads held high we can make it through the day with a smile on our face.

Bright, sunny, cheerful, if he's ever in a gloomy mood there's a reason for it, but even if left alone he'll find his hope and be able to regain his smile once again.


As many of these stories seem to go, the tale of Kingdom Hearts starts with a girl. Two young, competitive boys who have grown a deeply seated friendship with one another make friends with the girl "from another world" and a seed of a thought begins to grow in their minds: Is this all there is to reality? Are there other worlds out there? Determined to find the answers to these questions the three, Riku, Kairi, and Sora each choose to take hold of their own destinies as their island is connected and engulfed in a fight with the darkness. Riku embraces the darkness within himself as Sora embraces his own light, summoning the weapon that he believed to only be fantasy, to fight in vain against the ever encroaching darkness.

Sora, the boy who dreamed of inheriting the 'key blade', wakes into another's reality as his own star disappears, blinking out of existence. Two others, sent on a quest to find 'the key', happen upon him in an encounter dictated by fate. After some lessons, knowledge, and training the three set out to find Sora's friends and answers to the questions that keep piling in their minds: Where do the heartless originate? Who controls them? Why are worlds being engulfed in darkness, and what exactly did Ansem find about the heartless in his research?

Both boys, Riku and Sora, are now unknowingly engaged in a much more grave competition than ever before. Preying on the darkness inside Riku's heart, Maleficent uses Riku's insecurities to create a distance between the boys' hearts, causing them to work separately and against one another to track down their third friend, Kairi. All the while, Sora continues on, searching relentlessly for the friends he's lost all the while protecting the new worlds he meets as if they were as important as
his own.

He travels to many lands, fighting more and more for something greater than just his friends; the fate of all the worlds is in the hands of the 'key bearer'. As the chosen one Sora is entrusted with the duty to seal off the hearts of worlds to protect them from those who wish them harm in the name of their own self-centered intentions. Things seem to be going well, that is, until those star-crossed friends meet once again.

Sora and Riku meet once again and almost immediately square off. In Traverse Town, Sora 'shows off his keyblade' as Riku acts not quite as himself and ends up taking the keyblade from Sora. Riku claims that Sora lost focus of what was important all along: Kairi. Later on, in Hollow Bastion, he claims not only that he is the keyblade's true master, not 'just the delivery boy' like Sora, but that he would take the weapon and open the door, to save Kairi, just as Maleficent told him he would. Sworn to follow the 'keybearer', Donald and Goofy leave with Riku as per King Mickey's orders, and Sora is left weaponless, and friendless, to fend for himself.

Instead of fretting about it, Sora decides that he can't just leave, he is here to save someone important to him and so he and the Beast continue further into the depths of the castle to confront those who would take everything from them. As Riku and Sora confront one another once again, Sora's friends decide that he is more important than their mission and with the strength they give him he wrestles back control of the keyblade from Riku. Seeming to have no other choice, Riku surrenders his body to 'Ansem's heartless' so that he can once again try and save Kairi. All of them meet together once again in front of the incomplete keyhole to all worlds where Kairi's lifeless body lays motionless on the floor. Ansem-Riku tells Sora that he holds Kairi's heart inside him and that she is needed to reveal the complete keyhole. Ansem-Riku's plan is revealed to force Kairi's heart out of Sora, but Sora won't allow his friend's heart to be misused, so he refuses and defeats Ansem-Riku. Once the fight is over, however, Kairi is still motionless on the floor without an immediate solution in sight.

Without talking it over with his friends, Sora knows what he must do, and takes Ansem-Riku's keyblade and smiles cheerfully at them before plunging it straight into his own heart to free Kairi's. With all the princess' hearts present the keyhole completes itself and Kairi wakes to find Sora disappearing right within her arms. The group runs as Riku's heart holds off Ansem from harming Kairi and soon enough Sora's heartless form, still filled with enough of his memories to seek out the heart closest to his own, finds Kairi. Kairi recognizes him and the light within her own heart restores him to his original form.

They regroup in Traverse Town, knowing that the time to confront Ansem is close at hand. Gaining the Oathkeeper, the keychain made from the charm Kairi gave him, he leaves to save Riku from the darkness and destroy Ansem once and for all.

Heading straight for 'The End of the World', our group of heroes travels to the place where all the worlds consumed by darkness fell into their final resting place. Ansem, crazier than any of them could have imagined, believes that the door to Kingdom Hearts is actually the door to heart's darkness in its true essence, meaning that Kingdom Hearts is in actuality the ultimate darkness. However, when he calls out to Kingdom Hearts the truth is revealed, and light of the purest form is emitted through the opening, causing Ansem to be burnt from existence. Riku and Mickey are behind the door, and they help Sora close it from the other side since there are a bunch of heartless beyond. Mickey and Sora join blades to lock he door. Riku's last words, showing the true strength of his heart that lays beneath, are, "Take care of her!". With the final threat gone, the worlds reconstruct themselves, Destiny Islands grow back again, Kairi goes home, Sora promises to return once he finds Riku and Mickey.

On their own once again, Sora and the gang travel to Castle Oblivion, lose their memories, and encounter the Organization. Once Sora realizes that his memories are being manipulated by a girl named Namine, he's put into stasis for a year to regain those memories, but loses the ones of Castle Oblivion.

DiZ and someone cloaked in robes of black work together to piece the parts of Sora's memory back together, working to reunite him and the other created from Sora purging his own heart from his body: Roxas. On the final day of that process, with most all of his memories restored, Sora wakes from his slumber within the walls of the floating city of Cydonia.


Uh, so, yeah.

[ Sora rubs the back of his head, smiling into the communicator with every last one of his pearly-whites cheesing up the picture as much as possible. ]

I'm here! Wherever here is. . .

[ He pauses and looks around his room, as if sizing up the place, before turning his excited smile back toward the camera. ]

Donald, Goofy! Hurry up and send me a message, quick! We've still gotta find Riku and the King. I'm sure they're around here somewhere, or else we wouldn't be here, right?

[ The camera bounces in time with his steps until he finally leans against the dresser, thinking for a moment longer if there was anything else he wanted to add. There really wasn't any use in fighting these sorts of strange events, they just always seemed to happen, and they usually turned out for the best.

A moment later the recording is over, sent off with a small wave, fingertips into palm, as he decides he's said enough. ]


Falling, falling. Why did it always have to be falling? Even as Sora felt himself beginning to slip away into the eternal pitch of his own personal oblivion he remembered what was most important to him: His friends.


I know you'll do the right thing.

Keep Kairi safe.'

Even if he never shared the papou fruit with her, it was enough to know that their destinies and their hearts truly had been connected.


Could she save Riku from the darkness Sora himself was sinking ever-deeper into? He couldn't even remember Riku's name anymore, but that didn't matter, his mind still remembered the feeling of the strength of those ties and he was happy.

His only remaining thoughts as heartlessness fully consumed his being felt more like animalistic instinct than actual memory, but even as he moved freely throughout the castle something drove him. He had to find that girl. That was his one and only mission in life. Find the girl and stand by her always.

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