Feb 09, 2005 16:17
UGH!!!! THank God its wednesday. Tomorrow would be even better if.....we had a snow day. My sunday is already planned out...im SLEEPING!!!
Ok. I have been sick on and off since Friday. Friday I thought it was just because I was exhausted. Well, Sunday I felt worse when I woke up. I just pushed it back in my mind thinking that I would feel better as the day progressed. WRONG!!! Sunday night I was miserable. I have been in bed early all week. I still feel like crap. I cant take a day off of everything. I feel awful. I still have seminar tonight.
It doesnt help that its snowed/drizzled all day. Not the type of snow that coversthings. Its the kind of snow that melts on contact and FREEZES when the temps drop. Its gonna be fun driving to the school to student teach tomorrow.
Things are looking good for Michael and I. We addressed an issue and both are working on it. Im even more in love with him now than I was last time I saw him. I am genuinely excited to see him next. Not the excitement I did feel. Thats so confusing....I have always been excited to see him...but for a while there...it wasnt the same excitement. But now I cant wait to see him, spend quality time wiht him (whether it be relaxing, goofing off, or whatever) plus it will be the weekend after valentines day (just gotta get some $$$$$$$$ to buy him something or hes just gonna get a card and me) oh well...gotta get going to seminar BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!11