Sooo I fell asleep when I was supposed to educate myself about French existentialism and had a weird TOS related dream. The episode was about ghosts and time travel. Kirk saved Spock by a) building a forcefield and b) shooting the hell out of an alien who had eaten Spock and the cube of purple, murky goo they were supposed to protect X) The special effects were very faithful to TOS, that was one waxy alien... Oh, and I swear Kirk shot it with something that not only looked like but was a pink cellphone. Spock stated that the alien hadn't meant to do that, it had all been an accident and they should let it live, so they did, like the happy pacifists they are (NOT). So in the end everyone was relaxing in the rec room where they had some comfortable leather couches and Kirk had got hold of one female crew member's adult entertainment show (pay channel only, he'd had to hack that!) The woman seemed to be pretty cool with this. And there was some really bizarre stuff going on, like Spock being on garbage duty and grinning in a sort of hot but mostly creepy way.
Everyone left the Enterprise and I walked with them. McCoy was carrying a flower and there were flowers and shrubbery everywhere. It was one organic, happy Enterprise. When we got outside, Spock had turned into young!Leonard Nimoy still in costume and I tried to keep up with him. I told him I loved the blue cloak and the black robe with shredded sleeves he was sporting (what? looked v good) and he agreed with me, but complained that it was way too hot. (Dream me, why oh why didn't you offer to help him with that?!) We walked along a narrow path and I didn't want to be a creeper and walk too close to him, but I almost fell, because the piece of pavement I thought was covered with grass actually wasn't there. Old!Leonard grabbed my hand and stopped me from falling, and I could actually feel the warmth of his hand in the dream. He also opened the door for me.
And when I woke up with omg wtf LEONARD COME BACK, I was suddenly very sure that this isn't the first dream I've had with Leonard being a gentleman and opening doors for me.
Actually I'm surprised that didn't turn into a nightmare, because I had just watched 'Plato's Stepchildren' and it is unquestionably my least favourite TOS episode to date. I admit that I have a huge embarrassment squick, but that was... something else. No, I didn't want to see Shatner play a horse. Yes, I'm sure he did it very well. Yes, I covered my eyes and ears for about half of the episode. And making Spock do all that ridiculous stuff was just wrong and I have a feeling Nimoy must have been crying on the inside. Sadistic, mind-controlling aliens, you say? See, I thought I'd be all for that, but first interracial kiss or no, that was terrible. But I swore to watch all of TOS and I will, even if the 3rd season leaves me forever traumatised.
Heroes, on the other hand, has been more entertaining lately. I'm about in the middle of season 4 and I'm actually not skipping to the parts with Sylar. Samuel is a cool bad guy, more human and likeable than any of the previous villains, and I'm not objecting to a girl-girl romance, even if Clare or her roommate are so not my type. But I have to admit my favourite thing this far has been Peter going all alpha on Sylar, beating him up and fucking nailing his hands to the table with a nail gun and then proceeding to torture him... The look on Sylar's face is precious. That's submission right there.
...I'm aware that I enjoyed it way too much.
Proceeding to try out a yummy blueberry face mask and watch a bad Karl Urban movie where he is pretty and gets hurt a lot, so it's not that bad after all. Anyway, it can't be worse that Mr. Nimoy's debut movie. Why oh why did I think it was a good idea to watch 'Kid Monk Baroni'?
If that face can't save a movie, nothing can. But his character is a stupid asshole, the accent is unfortunate, the morale irritating and the story just basically sucks. The good side is, it's black and white so I was saved from the purple boxing shorts.
But it was sorta worth it, because now I can look at my screencaps and think happy thoughts.
Edit. Thanks to the internets, i found a gif of that scene in Heroes! See? See what I mean?