Porn At Work aka Why Cleaning's Not Too Bad (except when it sucks)

Aug 05, 2009 02:01

First things first: I freaking love Eliot Spencer ♥ I watched the first three episodes of S2 tonight, and I maybe possibly have a huge crush on him. But it's weird, I don't fangirl over Leverage at all. I like it a lot, but I don't feel the need to write or read fics about it. (Now that that's said, I'm sure there'll be an attack of kamikaze plot bunnies.) Crossovers with Spn though... Now that might work for me.

I've started listening to podfics at work. It's a good distraction when cleaning shit (sometimes in the most literal of senses) all day. Mostly it's an okay job, and I'm really glad to have one, but it gets boring and lonely. Luckily, I'm not embarrassed at all listening to porn in public or making a fool of myself laughing for no apparent reason.

Sam Winchester and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by leonidaslion , read by juice817. It's a great fic that everyone should read/listen to, funny and sweet and touching, and it'll make you love Dean more than you thought possible. The irony was that I started listening to this yesterday morning, and gradually my day worsened along with Sam's (because people are just pigs). Me and Sam started simultaneously wondering if we were cursed X) But the fic cheered me up.

In the Place Where It Counts by lazydaze , read by someblazingstar. And this continued to cheer me up. A short one, but so worth listening to. It's about Sam's cock. And yeah, that's about it. I remember a time when I felt weird eating yoghurt when reading porny fics. Now I listen to them at work while trying to avoid small talk with old ladies, because otherwise I'll miss important details on Sam's penis.

Yesterday got way better when I spent the whole evening at the beach with mom. It rained, but we sat under a tree and ate strawberry cheesecake ice cream.

I've been writing a lot of fic lately. A lot for me, at least. It feels weird actually getting comments. Like, really good, but I'm not used to it. I'm writing a J2 AU right now, and it's the longest fic I've written this far. It'll be over 10,000 words, easily. The greatest thing is that I feel good about writing, like maybe it really is something I love and maybe I don't suck too badly at it, and I haven't felt like that for years.

supernatural, leverage, rl

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