Yuletide letter 2014 ♥

Oct 24, 2014 15:04

Dear Yuletide writer,

thank you so much for being a brave soul and offering to write something in my tiny fandoms! I’ve listed some of my likes and dislikes in fic to help you along. I’ll also go on a bit (okay, more than a bit) about what makes each fandom tick for me. I’ve included some ideas for inspiration, but you’re naturally free to ignore them if you’ve already got a great idea of your own! Please don’t stress too much and have fun writing!


- Slash of any rating. If you want to go there in any of these fandoms, please do. Gen is absolutely fine too, if that's more your thing.
- Swordfights, violence, action, adventure.
- Prison breaks and last-minute rescues.
- On the other hand, unhurried, mellow description.
- Music, artistry, poetry.
- Good characterisation.
- Context, characters being influenced and shaped by the world around them.
- Period/culture details.
- Characters showing their feelings through action. Not to say they aren't allowed to speechify too, if that is something the characters in question would do.
- Equality and switching. Personal preferences are fine and dandy, pre-established (gender)roles not so much.


- Cliched, out-of-character romance. Believable romance, on the other hand, is very much welcome.
- Angst that is completely hopeless. I need that ray of light.
- Non-canon (main) character death. More about character death in the details below.
- Alpha/Omega or BDSM universe. I’ve nothing against D/S elements (on the contrary), it’s the universe I have an issue with.


Assassin’s Creed: Revelations

Ezio, oh Ezio. I really love the more mature yet still charming and slightly awkward version of him we see in this game. Not to mention that he’s aged extremely well… I would really love to read something about his life or adventures at this point in time.

However, as much as I love Ezio, the reason I’m so very fond of Revelations is another character they brought in: Yusuf Tazim. He’s one of my favourite characters in the AC games this far, and he didn’t get nearly enough time in the game. He seems a light-hearted man, always joking and smiling, but there’s a darkness in him too. He grew up on the streets.  He’s an assassin and the leader of the Ottoman Brotherhood. He managed the assassins of Constantinople on his own before Ezio’s arrival. That’s pretty badass! If you want to concentrate more on his character, that's more than fine.

I like how Yusuf keeps Ezio slightly off-balance. Ezio can’t quite figure him out, yet he seems to genuinely like him. And Yusuf is very touchy-feely too. I admit it, I ship them like burning, and there’s almost no fic about them!

I see their relationship as essentially uncomplicated. Although Ezio seems world-weary and mature, you still get glimpses of the goofy young man he used to be. He and Yusuf are more alike than it seems at a first glance. I think Yusuf would be very good for Ezio; someone younger and full of life, someone who also understands the darkness in him, someone extremely capable and worthy of his trust. Yusuf would also challenge him. I think they both know what they want (although Ezio might well be surprised; he hasn’t exactly had much time for personal reflection).

Lighthearted fun is great, and so is something gritty and dark and satisfying. I’m not really looking for an all-out angst-fest, but some darkness is fine. Adventures, porn, relationship fic, friendship fic, all or some of the above? Hell yes! I’d love to see the two of them together on a mission. I do love undercover missions. Rescues and prison breaks are also great. But I’d like them to be on an equal footing; no damsels in distress. Maybe Ezio confesses his affair with Yusuf in letters to his sister (probably without all the dirty details)? Maybe a fic where Yusuf doesn’t die after all?

Although my shipping interests lie with Yusuf/Ezio, I have absolutely nothing against Sophia and wouldn’t want to read anything bashing or belittling her. Sophia and Ezio’s relationship is ambiguous enough that I don’t mind if you decide to ignore it. (Also I don’t see any reason why Ezio couldn’t have multiple lovers.)

The Book of All Hours - Hal Duncan

I have read both Vellum and Ink, so you are free to include details from both books if you so wish. These books have been eye-openers of a sort for me; their mere existence makes me happy. I love all the play with language and style and intertextuality.

I love Jack and Puck, so I'd be delighted to read anything about them. Puck is (almost) always doomed, and sometimes he knows that and sometimes he doesn't, but there's always this innocence and joy to him despite the darkness. And Jack... well, he's Jack. Jack Flash. And I’m a huge fan. Puck's pretty much the definition of "canon character death". It's a part of his character and it's fine if you want to write that. On the other hand, it would be nice to see him getting to live for once.

Guy/Reynard is fascinating, too - he's sort of a mastermind, but I'd like to read something more personal about his character. Is he in a relationship with someone? What are his motivations, really? I haven't quite worked out how this character and all his incarnations work, so I'd like to see what can be done with him.

Phreedom is extremely badass, and her role in the book is smaller than I’d have preferred. Something dealing with her role in all these worlds and histories would be great. I’d also love to read something about her and Thomas; Vellum begins with her search for him, after all. Does she discover a way to save her brother? How does she deal with it if she doesn’t?

These are some of my favourites, but you may of course include any characters you like. I would also love to read a fic where these characters are part of a mythology not described in the book. Or perhaps an intertextual retelling of another text through these characters (like the author does with The Bacchae in Ink). You could do so many things with these books! Any world, any text that you think is dazzling/interesting/crazy enough for these characters to trip in, and I’m game! If you have doubts about something that counts as a crossover, please ask.


I love younger Sharpe, ambitious and violent and rough around the edges, definitely a rogue, yet still with a sense of fairness. I love the tv series but have also read most of the books so you’re free to include book details or characters if you wish! The India books are my particular favourites.

Sharpe is incredibly slashable to me. Sharpe/Harper is a classic and I always like it. I also somewhat guiltily ship Sharpe with Wellesley. (If you’re familiar with the books, remember the whipping scene in Sharpe's Tiger where Wellesley comes to stop it and lifts Sharpe's chin up with his riding crop? That was a very joyful moment for me. And later, after Sharpe has saved Wellesley's life, they're both so damn awkward with each other...) I like older Sharpe and Wellesley too, if tv canon is more your thing. If you happen to have an interesting crossover in mind, please ask.

But these are only ideas - I’ll be perfectly happy with Sharpe/Harper or Sharpe & Harper if gen is more your thing. I mean, how could I not? Harper’s always looking out for him and taking care of him. He makes a bloody sword for him! Adventures, violence, fighting, fucking, friendship, wordless understanding, affection - those are some of my favorite things and what makes this ship work for me.

If you’d rather concentrate on Sharpe’s character and history, I'd love to read something about his childhood, or his love for India, or something set around the time when he's just joined the army. His childhood sounds very depressing but I'd love it if there was a spark of light, some hope for the future or a comfort found. You could also write something about Sharpe and the chosen men, about how he does or doesn't relate to them and looks out for them.

Congratulations if you survived through all that! My letters get longer each year. It is a sign of love, though. All of the above is, of course, optional (and hopefully helpful). Have a great Yuletide ♥

assassin's creed: revelations, yuletide 2014, the book of all hours, yuletide letter, sharpe

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