Opening the archives: Sharpe fic

Jan 03, 2012 14:47

I wrote a bit of Sharpe slash in late October but somehow didn't get around to posting it. I do intend to go on with the "Get Sharpe Laid Project" - writing one fic based on every Sharpe book I read, at least for the ones that come first chronologically, because they are criminally underslashed. Actually, I need to make a banner for that. I also need to find the courage to post to communities... I haven't been this insecure about posting since the early SPN days!

I'm not completely happy with the fic (I swear someday I'll explore more rank/religion/period issues), but I think this is as ready as it's going to get, so.

What horses can buy (link to AO3)
Get Sharpe Laid Project
2480 words
Starring: Sergeant Sharpe/Colonel McCandless
In which Sharpe is a devious bastard and Colonel McCandless receives an unexpected gift. Set during Sharpe's Triumph.

fic, get sharpe laid project, sharpe

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