last day

Dec 28, 2007 15:53

Is anyone else having their browser freeze up when loading my LJ page, or is it just me? I went back and deleted several old posts that had youtube, flickr and other embedded links and for a while that worked, but now it's doing it again for me. Damn, Firefox on Macs just isn't as solid as it is on Windows... too bad Safari just doesn't have the addons/extensions I can't live without. Here's hoping that Firefox 3 fixes some of these issues!


I worked my last day for the networking job today. I know I've been going on and on about the new job.. really, it's been to psyche myself up and mentally prepare more than to share anything meaningful. Still, I suppose it's good to let my small handful of friends know where my head is at, even if it's at some strange place. At least you know you're dealing with a nut instead of just guessing it, eh?

It was very surreal going into work today, knowing I wouldn't be going back. It's like, every time I went out for a cigarette I'd be thinking "Shit, this is the second to last time I'll ever do this here...", or something like that. Shit, I didn't even have any tasks today, so I was just trying to look busy when I wasn't. Not that it mattered, my boss couldn't make it into the office today and it was just me and my co-worker. I could have probably put a movie on my laptop and he wouldn't have said anything.. but that would have felt strange to me, so I just surfed the web and kept my email open all day.

I was kind of offended that my boss diidn't come in to say bye or anything, but he did end up calling about an hour before I left and offered to take me out to lunch sometime next week if I had the time. Honestly, I don't think I will have the time... but it was a nice offer. Unlike me, he actually has a LOT to do at that job, so I guess I can't fault him, still... it feels kind of anticlimatic to me. I worked with him a little yesterday helping him bring shit out to his car, and we hardly spoke. I don't want that to be one of my last memories of one of the best bosses I've had. He was a good guy.. I saw him lose his temper a million times with my co-worker (who is 100x smarter and more capable than I am), but he never lose his cool with me. He was always a class act and showed me so much patience.. I can only hope that bosses in my future could be as cool.

And now I wait... until Wed... when I go back to QCC as a full timer. I get to figure out the benefits, how personal days and sick days work, see if my new co-worker is a shitstain or not, and start butting heads with IT and my supervisor over how to make the Media department functional again after they so unwisely broke it. I'm already at something of a disadvantage since I've made it clear - subtly as it may have been - that I stood behind my former boss and don't approve of how they raked him over the hot coals. I feel really bad.. survivors guilt I guess. They were very hesitant in hiring me but chose to listen to my former boss as he talked me up. Now I'm taking his job while he has to find a new way to provide for his family.

Fuck, I know I'm walking into a minefield, but what choice do I have? It was that or keep working two part time jobs. School was going nowhere, that's for sure.. so here I am. The future is a big question mark.. but at least I have the job for now. At least I can put on future resume's that I worked full time at a college in a techie position, and I can say that I stepped up to the plate and handled a tough situation relatively well, even if I did panic a bit. I'm proud of myself, I just can't help having misgivings. God only knows what kind of poliical BS I'll be put through in the future.. I hope I can avoid it, or at least distance myself from it so it doesn't play a big part of my day to day life. If that means not getting lots of raises or promotions, so be it.. I just don't want to play that game.

I'll cut this short before I repeat myself even more...

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