Jun 17, 2010 08:38
The geniuses who compiled my medical report last year said that my target weight to get within the desirable Asian BMI range was 51 kg or 112 lbs. So, fine. I put in the effort to lose the weight. 51 kg/112 lbs was my freaking Holy Grail. 8 months, 2 dropped dress sizes and 8 lost kgs later, I found myself stuck on 52 kg/114 lbs. That extra kilo was refusing to be shed, despite my best efforts. This has been a holding pattern over the last 4 months.
Then, I find out that the my target weight should have been 52 kg/114 lbs, because somebody recorded my height wrongly. Aaargh!
So, very belatedly, yippeee! I have achieved my target weight!! And it was all done without sacrificing chocolate, lard-laden Chinese food, cheese and french fries, possibly my greatest achievement of all.
Since I'm a stubborn so-and-so, I'm still aiming for that 51 kg/112 lb target. But now I don't have to be all Ahab-with-the-whale about it.