Jan 10, 2007 17:20
Into every life a little sun must shine. The squire and I have tickets to hear Beethoven's 9th performed at Severance Hall by the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday night. I've been looking forward to this since the day I bought the tickets, which was the day they went on sale last August. It's part of a weekend getaway (yes, to Cleveland in the winter -- luckily it hasn't been winter yet this year) so I won't be around again until sometime Monday night or Tuesday morning.
What's even better about this vacation (which lasts until the 21st) is that apparently no one in management at work realized that yes, I do get vacation time like everyone else and yes, I do intend to use it, especially when I scheduled it six months ago. The look on one person's face today, as he handed me a mile-long list of things to do by Friday next, most of which directly related to me fixing his fuck-ups before they were discovered during inventory, while I gleefully informed him he'd have to do it himself because I wasn't going to be there, was worth every single pile of shit I'll have to trudge through when I get back. Joy, beautiful spark of the gods, indeed!
Thank you everyone for the encouraging words a few posts back. I don't have email comment notification set up, so sometimes it takes a day or two before I get back to check what was written. That makes it hopelessly outdated by LJ standards. I am trying to step back mentally and take an objective look at things. Using the Ann Landers wisdom (Are you better of with or without?) I can honestly say with -- at this point in time. As for my thoughts on the war, well, Pittsburgh is still a "America - Love It Or Leave It" place. Only kooks and commies (Yes! They still call people commies here!) protest war. Besides, that piece isn't polished, fact-checked, or well-written enough for my standards. And it's far too good for the recycled toilet paper they call journalism here.
May good stuff, or at least non-horribly sucky stuff happen to all of you while I'm gone!