Calling all Brits

Aug 08, 2011 22:19

I'm hoping very much that I might find a kind person who can "Britpick." Despite the way it sounds, I don't need to choose British folk out of a line-up! Rather, my British English is rather rusty and I need someone to check it or "beta" a fic. It's been a long time since I spent a lot of time in England and since my childhood, so I sometimes don't know where British English leaves off and Canadian English begins. Add the American English I constantly hear on the T.V., and one could say I'm "trilingual" in English. But that doesn't help when writing a Doctor Who fic.

I hope to offer a beta an easy read and only a need to actually make any comments if something screams Canadian English instead of British English (and if anything plot-wise confuses you). The time-consuming grammar/spelling/etc. is being taken care of by different beta, so all I need is a very British Brit who loves Doctor Who!

I offer to write a New Who (or other fandom we both share) ficlet of your choice in exchange. :)

Genre: Drama
Pairings or Characters: Eleven, Rose, 10.5 (Also: Martha, Jack, Amy, Rory, Gwen, John Hart)
Warnings: Nothing that hasn't already been seen in the show. One swear word half-way through.
Length: Multi-chapter/Novel-length… 58,000 words
Short Summary: When the Metacrisis Doctor returns with Rose from the other universe, he is put on trial for various crimes. Can Rose and Eleven save him? How does the case affect Eleven who is also, in effect, on trial? How does the unexpected return to the Tardis and to the original Doctor affect Rose?

There is more information/summary if you wish it.

If you would like to have an idea of my writing style, these are some stories I have written in the past:
Brown Coat
Move On
Stranded on the Shore This is most likely the closest in tone and writing style to the new fic, and some elements of 10.5 and Rose's relationship as explored here are inherited by the new fic. However, it is not necessary to read that story in order to read or beta the new one.
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