Sep 06, 2005 22:29
Well enough has been going on as of late that suffice to say, I havent had the time or will to be posting in my journal. So much to say, and so much Im not going to even get into.
But I guess why Im typing this night is what Im going to talk about for now. The odd dreams that Ive been having lately, are leaving me somewhat disturbed and even more puzzled, as they vary greatly, and seem to have no reason behind them. Must warn, not the prettiest pictures are going to be painted here in the descriptions. Read on at your own eyes and minds risk.
Ive been having the oddest dreams, but I want to touch on two of them specifically, the first that I had a couple nights ago. Its not rare at all for me to dream and dream vividly I may add, its more often then not for me as if its really happening and I wake up confused and disoriented wondering what the heck who am I... oh wait, I remember now just a dream *clunk* back out for more sleep. But this dream I got up and did not go back to sleep for, it creeped me out.
I dont remember where it started but, what I do remember, is seeing a beetle, and the beetle crawling across the ground, and only to something of a soft peach cream browny tone coloured object, which my point of view gradually pulled back to be a hand... with quite a number of bugs crawling all over it, with fingers in various stages of decomposition. Pulling back further, until I could see all of the body, I suddenly realised, it was me laying dead in the woods obviously having been there for quite some time, eye holes with no eyes and bugs crawling in and out of them, and I can still quite horribly, picture this in my mind. Needless to say I woke up with a start in a cold sweat, with the last picture on my mind, as the picture moved in for a close up of my decomposing face.
Quite the lovely dream isnt it? Ive been known to dream horrid things before, but its never been me thats dead, other people who have passed away in my life, manifest in my dreams as having died before certainly, but Im going to toss that up to being part of my grieving process of letting them go from my mind. Those are more like watching a movie though, though original terror at seeing it, it calms away quickly and the images go from my mind. (Thank fully!)
But this morning, I had another odd dream quite the opposite, of the ones posted above, and yet I dont know the same in a manner of speaking.
It was a very quick dream, not in the sense that it was real in the least and in the same sense, I woke as though having exerted a great force, from what your about to find out. The dream sort of drifted in with sound, a grunting noise of effort, and a frantic voice not my own, and to be honest I dont know who's. But a voice none the less, telling me they wernt going to make it in time I was going to have to do it alone until they could get back with help.. where the dream began to fade into an actual picture of me squatting, and screaming through clenched teeth, my belly obviously rounded with pregnancy, and me laboring mightily to expel the to term child and bring life into the world, as I hold onto the bed, I can actually feel the child its like Im being stretched and un-naturally quickly, suddenly the baby crowns, and the head is just there, pop hello (Its actually quite funny to me right now as Im typing this, the dream painful but now, the head just being there and the though of it is making me grin maybe maternally maybe in humor) Anyways, with out even turning the child really, I reach down, and the baby begins to slide from my body shoulders very easily (ha ha yep easily, yeah right all we women wish eh?) and it just slides forth, it doesnt cry and honestly I cant tell you if it was alright or not because just as Im crying in relief and pulling the child up to hold to my chest I wake up.
Curse the timing, I mean holding the child would of been the nice part of the dream. Ah well, so hence the start of my what the heck is going on in my dreams thoughts, and this post is becomming very long winded. Sorry to all those still reading.
Ah well, I guess Im glad im in the middle of my life, not being born (at this moment) and not dying (also at this moment) Im just in the happy median. But they still were very odd similar opposing dreams, if that makes any sence to any of you what so ever now.
Lots of love Me.