Nov 23, 2009 15:17

you're an ass.

a FUCKING lying bastard.

All you do is suck up energy and attention and honesty and give back crap. You beg to be actual friends and for me not to close up. I don't do second chances, but I made an exception for you. It was rocky at first but things got better and I started talking to you again. I was trying so hard I completely missed the fact that you weren't actually talking to me. I would ask you how things were or what was going on, but apparently I didn't ask specific enough questions to deserve an answer.

You know you were wrong. You know you should have told me. You know you had plenty of opportunity.

You were on probation. This is a small thing, yes, but you hadn't earned my trust back yet. And now you never will. I don't do third chances.

I hope to god you don't fuck her over like you did me. You say you're only 'considering' dating. You fucking 'considered' dating us for three and a half months and then you didn't even have the balls to admit you didn't want to go through with it. I had to fucking ask you. Fucking chicken shit coward.

Yes, coward. The same reason you didn't tell me about your new almost girlfriend. You were afraid.

She deserves better than you. You're just gonna drag things out and then decide, 'you know after all I don't think a long distance relationship will work for me'. But you won't tell her even when you know because all you really want is the attention and until she figures it out and thinks to ask, you'll drain all the love and attention you can from her. But I can't tell her that.

On the brightside I never have to think or care about you again. I will never speak to you again. I no longer have the burden of feeling bad about hating you. You have proved yourself an ass. I'm done.
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