My crazy 8 mile hike at Long Hunter State Park - Bryant Grove Trail.

Jun 01, 2009 19:17

Yes, I went on a 4 mile hike, that was not a loop, so I did 4 miles to get back, but I had a good time. The only things wrong with this trail is that no pets are allowed, so I could not take Howie (which was probably best since it was 90 degrees today), and for the first 1.5 miles it was a dirty trail. People are stupid... pick up your trash assholes!!!

Eight miles... YES!

Cool little foot bridge.

Cute flowers!

Me on the trail... such a gorgeous day!!!

Me and the deer had a staring contest and I won! She let out a weird noise, flapped her tail and darted off. Beautiful creature! I also saw some huge ass turkeys, but they walked away before I got to snap a pic of them. :(

Percy Priest Lake.

Me posing near Percy Priest Lake.

A flowering cactus... COOL!

Awesome butterflies!


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