So...I feel like posting something. Sad thing...I have little to nothing to post about.
I wish I knew what exactly was going on for Halloween.
Blah. I need to check myspace.
No plushie pictures. Sorry Amy. Not yet. I need to make him underwear or something before I post pictures.
Don't want to be harrassed for posting plushie porn or something.
Not much else to say except I feel myself getting pulled back into KKM. Why? I don't know. But I was looking at my Yuuri plushie (because he's a sheep) and...yea. I found a tiny little speck of my fangirlish heart squealing when I held him.
Plus I watched ---> it just made me smile and...yea.
I miss playing Yuuri.
Maybe I'll app him at Caketown.
Maybe not.
Ah well.
Also...just a head's up? If I magically disappear for who knows how long or I don't respond to comments or...whatever. It doesn't mean much. I'm just going through one of those wary phases or I'm busy.
I didn't die...cause I figure the first thing that will happen will be my brother formatting my harddrive or something so my parents can use my laptop.
Hm. I guess that's it. I'm kind of craving pancakes...of all things.