(no subject)

Aug 09, 2009 00:34

Разработчики бывают с чувством юмора)))
Предыстория: пыталась попасть на страничку, найденную по ключевым словам в ЖЖ. Сервер выдает ошибку. Я так быстро не сдаюсь и пытаюсь зайти по ссылке еще раз и еще раз...

Попытка №1
Oh noes! The page you're trying to reach could not be found. Maybe it doesn't exist. Maybe you typed it in wrong. Or maybe we just messed up.

Попытка №2
This page is not here
like plum blossoms in the wind
existence is fake

Попытка №3
Narrator: In A.D. 2006, Web was beginning.
Captain: What happen ?
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the journal.
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What !
Operator: Main browser turn on.
Captain: It's you !!
CATS: How are you users !!
CATS: All your base are belong to Frank.
CATS: You are on the way to 404.
Captain: What you say !!
CATS: You have no chance to reach your page. Make your spelling correct.
CATS: Ha Ha Ha Ha ....


I'm sorry, you've reached a page that I cannot find. I'm really sorry about this. It's kind of embarassing. Here you are, the user, trying to get to a page on LiveJournal and I can't even serve it to you. What does that say about me? I'm just a webserver. My sole purpose in life is to serve you webpages and I can't even do that! I suck. Please don't be mad, I'll try harder. I promise! Who am I kidding? You're probably all like, "Man, LiveJournal's webserver sucks. It can't even get me where I want to go." I'm really sorry. Maybe it's my CPU...no that's ok...how bout my hard drives? Maybe. Where's my admin? I can't run self-diagnostics on myself. It's so boring in this datacenter. It's the same thing everyday. Oh man, I'm so lonely. I'm really sorry about rambling about myself, I'm selfish. I think I'm going to go cut my ethernet cables. I hope you get to the page you're looking for...goodbye cruel world!

-the webserver
Попытка №6

Umm...you weren't supposed to see this.

Are you sure you typed in the URL correctly?

Um. Yeah. If you could get going that would be great. Frank needs some privacy.  

LiveJournal Admin: Sir! We have reports that someone is trying to access a page that doesn't exist!
LiveJournal Captain: Impossible! How can that be?
LiveJournal Admin: Sir, I don't know. Maybe they typed in the URL wrong or maybe we're suffering from a critical system failure.
LiveJournal Captain: Unacceptable! Redirect them to a 404 page and make it snappy!

Честно говоря, я все ждала, когда меня (ну и остальных упрямых, как я) открыто пошлют подальше)))
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