time stamp fic: i am what i am

Jul 10, 2008 23:27

Time stamp for I Am Not the Thing I Was. I've actually had this sitting on my hard drive for almost a year now, but can't get it to turn into anything more.

it's more of an outline than an actual story )

fragments, sga au

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trishkafibble July 13 2008, 14:15:42 UTC
I've attempted this reply like, four times now. I keep wanting to say something about the moral underpinnings of SGA and their total inadequacy, but it's not coming out right! Grr.

I guess in a way, the writers/producers have it right--they've put the fate of all humankind into the hands of a group of people who seem to seriously believe that they're working with no safety net whatsoever: no God or fate or any equivalent power to make sure things turn out okay if they mess up. Which means, from the characters' perspective, that they can't afford to take the moral high road if pure rationalism tells them that it would mean risking failure. (Not to mention, they've given the Lanteans an enemy who can't be eliminated as a threat without being eliminated as a species. Pretty harsh!) It's actually consistent with that premise to have them constantly feeling cornered into getting things done the dirty way--upsetting and pointless, but consistent!

And yet the characters really want to do what's right, and really are willing to sacrifice themselves to save those entrusted to their care, and you just gotta love 'em! Hence the addictiveness of this fandom--if these amazing people are gonna sell their souls to save humanity, we are darn well gonna be there to see that salvation occur--and it had better occur!! *glares meaningfully at TPTB of SGA* I will not have my lovely team hating themselves for the rest of their lives.

There. Um, that went...well? *g* I highly commend you, though, Brat, for wanting--and acting--to give these characters a chance to step up and take that leap of faith, and do the RIGHT thing. The canon handling of Michael is one of the more egregious errors of judgement made by the expedition, and probably the least defensible. And absolutely, in a timeline where Michael was really given a chance to embrace his new nature, things would have gone so much better--and yet, there'd still be plenty of action and adventure and heroism to be had!

Oh, and Todd figuring out who human!Michael is ('cause no way would they tell him!), pondering the implications, and being influenced by them (for good or ill, who knows?)...THAT I would so like to see!!!


gentle_edgar July 15 2008, 12:42:17 UTC
I guess in a way, the writers/producers have it right--they've put the fate of all humankind into the hands of a group of people who seem to seriously believe that they're working with no safety net whatsoever

True (unfortunately). Perhaps it is more believable that they would screw things up so completely. It's certainly less satisfying, though.

I guess part of it is that TPTB seem pretty consistently to go for the shiny (or explosive) over the subtle, ("Midway" is a pretty good example of this) even when the subtle makes a lot more sense. And while I enjoy a good explosion, a steady diet of it gets a little wearing after a while. Which is one reason why I enjoyed "Quarantine" and "Trio" so much, since those are both about the possibility of an explosion. But what I would really like is something that builds a little more on the relationship of Atlantis to the other societies in the Pegasus galaxy--something which is hinted at in various episodes, but not in a consistent fashion.

...the problem with this sort of discussion is that it always makes me want to sit down and work out an entire virtual series for Atlantis. But that's something that I could never pull off on my own or without going a tad bit insane.

Oh well. Back to the 20 projects I already have going. *sighs*


trishkafibble July 15 2008, 16:42:53 UTC
The problem is that there's so much of the subtle squirrelled away in the nooks and crannies of SGA, in between all of the 'splosions and the hamfisted derring-do! This is what fanfic, at its best, is for--to dig out those tantalizing nuggets and expose them to the world in all of their juicy and satisfying nuances! ^^

Nothing wrong with doing the job piecemeal, either--'tis best when each little tidbit is given the attention it deserves!

*sigh* The problem with a reply like this is...it makes me hungry. =P ;)


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