Backwards And Inside Out (Genevieve/Adrianne | PG-13)

Apr 16, 2014 13:00

Title: Backwards And Inside Out
Author: jalu2
Artist: sagetan
Fandom: SPN RPF
Pairing(s): Genevieve/Adrianne, background Jared/Jensen
Word count: 5,700
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Circus AU
Contents (warnings and kinks both apply): None
Summary: Genevieve and Adrianne are world famous trapeze artists for the Circe Bendis, able to pull in crowds all across the USA. At least until Genevieve suffers a fall and the trust they've worked so hard to build up is shattered. But Adrianne isn't willing to give up so easily, and they will perform again.

Fic Masterpost: Fic Masterpost
Art Masterpost: Art Masterpost

spnrpf, c: gen, p: jared/jensen

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