Prompt Week #5: Fairy Tales

Feb 21, 2014 19:05

Today's prompt is Fairy Tales

Pics found here and here.

How can you participate? Just respond to this post with any of the following:

-Links to your fic/art if posted elsewhere
-Recs to existing works that fit the prompt
-Round Robin fic - this is when people take turns contributing to a fic

If there's something else you want to respond with that we haven't thought of, drop a line to the first comment here or email the mods at genteensybang[at]yahoo[dot]com.

Since responses are in comments, you can participate any time, not just this week. And as with anon memes, don't feel like something has to be finished before you comment; if you're inspired to start a fic today but won't be able to come back to it for a few weeks, feel free! Fills can be as long or as short as you'd like.

Please note, you do not have to be participating in the teensybang as a writer or artist in order to participate here. We would love to see everyone's creativity!

The only rules are about content and are the same ( writers, artists) as for the teensybang; responses must focus on Ruby 2.0 or Genevieve, obviously, and they may not feature real life underage persons, including her sons, etc. Please see the links for more information.

When you comment, please include in the subject line the pairing, rating, and any warnings/kinks. If you start a Round Robin, make sure to say "Round Robin" in the subject line so that other people know they can jump in. Do not contribute to someone else's fill if it does not say Round Robin.

Lastly, feedback is love! :)

Each day we'll have a few more specific ideas to help get the creative juices flowing:

-Which frog prince or princess is Gen kissing in ghostyouknow27’s artwork here?

-Years ago an enchantress cursed Ruby into a fearsome demon. Hell’s pretty boring with only animate torture devices for company and hardly anyone to use them on, but maybe it’ll liven up now that John Winchester’s son has traded his freedom for his father’s.

-Genevieve’s a genie. Jensen’s the peasant boy who rubs her lamp. Danneel’s the princess of Harrisland. And Jared, prince of Padalecki, is her betrothed. Clearly, Jared needs to be out of the way while Jensen woos Danneel. Whisking him into her lamp seems like a good idea…

-Sam’s fallen under an enchanted sleep. Guess Ruby has some rescuing to do if she wants him to kill Lilith.

But again, the point of the daily prompt subject is flexibility, so interpret Fairy Tales however you want!

Once upon a time…

!prompt week, !mod post

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