Got prompts?

Jan 01, 2014 11:30

Do you have an awesome plot bunny you want to share? Are you looking for inspiration? This is the post for you!

-Were-chinchilla and NYPD detective Gen Cortese infiltrates the home of suspected eco-terrorist and known exotic animal lover Misha!
-S4!Ruby travels forward in time to S9 and learns what the future holds!
-Gen deals with Alaina, the not-so-friendly-but-super-attractive ghost in her recently inherited haunted mansion!

Anything (almost) goes!

The Rules

1. Comment to this post with a prompt.

2. Make sure that prompt focuses on Genevieve (FPF or RPF) and/or Ruby 2. Genderbending, crossovers, and AUs are all permitted. Prompts may be for gen, het, slash, or femslash.

3. Format the subject line of your comment as follows: "REQUEST: Characters or pairing (if any), content list." Ships get a "/" between the names; platonic/non-romantic pairings get an "&." If you wouldn't mind the same prompt with multiple pairings, put those other pairings in the subject line as well. Put the details (as many or as few as you'd like) in the comment box.

Example Prompts:REQUEST: Ruby&Sam, Ruby&Dean, S8/S9
Instead of meeting Benny in Purgatory, Dean ran into Ruby, who promised to show him the way out if he took her with him. Dean reluctantly agreed, with his own promise that if Ruby ever went near Sam again after they were topside, he’d send her right back to Purgatory. Ruby never did take kindly to threats, especially from Dean Winchester. In the months after Dean’s return, Sam can’t shake the feeling that he’s being followed but chalks it up to paranoia from the Trials. Only after he becomes comatose does Ruby reveal herself to Dean with another offer he can’t refuse: if she starts dosing Sam again, her blood will restore his health.

REQUEST: Gen/Felicia, mad scientist AU
Gen warned her neighbors not to knock on her door. Did they really think she would put up a “Beware Raptors” sign as a joke? It’s not her fault the new redhead fails at reading comprehension and Misha ate her calico. Who takes cats on walks around an apartment building anyway? (“Who genetically engineers extinct vicious dinosaurs in a NYC apartment and teaches them how to open doors? Did you see Jurassic Park?”) Gen will try to clone Jensen, but that’s as neighborly as she’s willing to be. In the meantime, Felicia should stay home and stop poking around Gen’s equipment and stop bringing over takeout and movies, and she should definitely, definitely stop giving Gen that wide-eyed, sneaky, way-too-adorable grin. What’s a mad scientist to do?

4. You may post as many prompts as you'd like.

5. Do not post any prompts that could jeopardize this comm or its participants. NO real life underage persons. NO sexualizing minors. Mods will delete prompts that do those things.

6. If your prompt includes spoilers for unaired episodes (somewhat unlikely with Ruby 2/FM!Gen, but there you go), put the spoilers behind a spoiler cut.

7. If you want to use a prompt for your Teensy Bang entry, you should probably comment on that prompt to say so. However, this is not a requirement. Also, multiple authors may choose to use the same prompt.

8. Anon comments/prompts are fine.

9. Do not bash any real or fictional persons or pairings. Play nice with your fellow promptees.

10. This is a prompt post, not a commentfic meme. However, if you love a prompt and get excited and want to post the short fic or art it inspired, go right ahead! You probably know the drill; reply to the original comment with a subject line that says, "FILL: Ruby&Sam, S9, angst, spooning" and include your title and a short description in the body of the comment. If it's an art fill, note if you're okay with us using your art in a future post. Once author sign-ups end on January 21st, 2014, the Teensy Bang has begun, and we ask that you not post fills, although you may continue to prompt. Also, we might link to fills on tumblr. If you'd rather we not, just say so when you post your fill. But again, this is not a designated commentfic meme, and we're really not expecting to generate more than plot bunnies and enthusiasm. There will be other ways to participate in the upcoming weeks.

If nothing in this post ends up striking your fancy, please be sure to check out the 2013 prompt post for other brilliantly creative ideas!

If you have any questions, comment on the first entry to this post, PM teensymod, or email

!prompt post, !mod post

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