Name: Shiro
Age: 19
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situation4Email: situation_4_@hotmail.com
Timezone: Mountain Time (Canada)
Other contact: AIM; princepowhammer
Characters already in the game: Shana |
flameofheaven Mitsuru |
and_my_rapierHow did you find us?: =\
Character name: Youmu Konpaku
Fandom: Touhou Project
Timeline: Post Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Age: Under 60 years.
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Youmu wields two swords. The longest one is called the Roukanken or Lookout Tower Sword. While the shorter one is called the Hakurouken or White Tower Sword. Both have unique qualities. Because Youmu is a half ghost, these blades were forged with the purpose to be able to fight against all youkai alike. The Roukanken is said to be able to kill ten ghosts with one slash, while the Hakurouken is said to be able to slash away the confusion of a human.
In the Touhou world, almost everyone can fly using their own powers. Youmu is no exception to this rule. She also has slight control over time. One of her special skills is called” 200 Yojana in One Slash”. 1 Youjana is equal to about 10-15km. This equates to roughly 1320km to 3000km. In order to be able to do this, one would have to travel a minimum of 70 times the speed of sound (Mach 70). Her top speed has been speculated to be roughly one quarter of the speed of light. She also has a few other similar attacks, one being the Moon-Reflecting Satellite Slash. Due to her ridiculous speed, she can basically see things as if they were moving slowly. On her opponent’s side, Youmu would appear to be moving at hypersonic speeds.
Youmu is a half-ghost. Basically meaning killing her would prove quite difficult. Her human half and ghost half appear in separate entities. Her human half is what is normally seen, while her ghost half, named “Myon”, is shown as a formless white blob that tends to hang around her. It is speculated that the human and ghost form can feel whatever the other feels.
How would they use their abilities?: Youmu will never use her powers for mindless killing or destruction. She will only ever attack if provoked by an outside source, or ordered by her mistress Yuyuko. Even if Yuyuko orders it, she will usually be skeptical on the reasoning behind the attack, and as questions.
However, once she begins a job, she will set out to finish it. This includes cutting down her opponent or whatever stands in her way.
Appearance: Youmu is a half-ghost, thus her aging process is very slow. Considering she’s speculated to be no older than 60, she looks very good for her age. Too good maybe. Standing roughly 4’10” or somewhere around there, she’s pretty small. Her feet are dressed with brown shoes and short white socks with frills. She wears a long one piece green skirt that goes down to her knees. Around the circumference of the dress there are designs of her ghost half Myon. A black bow accompanies her near the neck. Her collar is white, as well as her short sleeves. She has an off-center black ribbon in her pure white, short hair. Her eyes can change from blue to red and sometimes green. She is usually carrying her two swords on her back in their respective scabbards. Both with decorative cherry blossom designs etched into those very scabbards.
A reference picture if needed
here. Her ghost myon is just a white formless blob. You can clearly see it circling her.
Background: As you may or may not know, the Touhou Project franchise was developed and created by a single person by the codename: ZUN. Because there’s only one person mainly behind the works of a series, you can expect there to be limited knowledge on the character’s back-story when there’s well over fifty other characters. There are currently twelve installments with two spin-off fighting-style titles. Youmu’s main character development comes from game number 7: Perfect Cherry Blossom, the next few to follow, as well as fan-made doujinshi or other sources. These have been widely accepted as what we know as “canon” information. I will base this background portion mainly on what ZUN has created for Youmu’s back-story.
Youmu’s age is unknown as of right now. She is estimated to be under the age of 60, however, has the body of what would seem to be a child. This is because she was born half-human and half-ghost. So her aging process is very slow. She is the successor to Youki Konpaku. Youki is said to be her former teacher, but after a few years of Youmu’s life, he left to become a hermit, and the responsibilities of Youki were left for Youmu to bear. This included the teaching of swordplay to her mistress Yuyuko, the maintenance of Hakugyokurou, and the tending to the large garden that exists in Hakugyokurou. Youmu had no idea of where Youki left to, and considered it as part of her training. She continues to do all the work around the Hakugyokurou and obeys the commands of Yuyuko Saigyouji, who is the mistress of that place. The Hakugyokurou is a ghost-shrine that overlooks the Netherworld. The Netherworld is a place where spirits and ghosts reside for people that have died and gone to the afterlife.
Inside the Hakugyokurou lies a giant cherry tree that goes by the name of Saigyou Ayakashi. During the events of Perfect Cherry Blossom, Yuyuko orders Youmu to steal spring from Gensokyo and bring it to the Hakugyokurou in order for the Saigyou Ayakashi to bloom. She complies, and sets out to steal spring from the living world of Gensokyo. She does quite well, but cannot get enough to make a perfect bloom. Youmu confronts the heroine of the player’s choosing eventually, and finds out that they have the remaining essence of spring within them. Youmu is defeated however, and after the Saigyou Ayakashi blooms for a brief moment, revealing the disappointing truth of what Yuyuko originally wanted, the two of them later go back to their ordinary lives.
In the next game: Imperishable Night. Youmu and Yuyuko set out to explore the living world and the reason as to why the moon has been replaced with a fake one. Youmu is mainly in it to discover the mystery behind the fake moon, while Yuyuko is only there to find something to eat. The full moon is supposed to be present for the Moonviewing Feast day, and thus it should be fixed before the night dies. They eventually succeed, and again, return to their daily lives.
During the events of game number 9: Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Youmu was mainly minding her own business as usual, until she noted that a lot of people were entering the Hakugyokurou and accusing her of being behind the incident where there was an over abundance of flowers in spring. This was probably due to her actions in Perfect Cherry Blossom. She sets out to see for herself what is going on, and notices right away the issue, but decides not to dwell on it.
The last game she had any major role in, was game number 10.5 Scarlet Weather Rhapsody. The plot of this game was that there seemed to be a large number of disasters occurring at once around the world of Gensokyo. In addition, there was someone slaying the ghosts of the Netherworld. Youmu set out to discover how and why such a thing was happening, and after a hint provided to her, she found and defeated the culprit. Afterwards she returned to the Hakugyokurou. From there on, only fan-based speculations have told of what has happened.
Personality: Youmu’s personality can be described as very straightforward and focused at whatever task she has at hand. This often conflicts with her mistress Yuyuko, who has a carefree and sometimes foolish or playful style. Youmu is often caught a victim of these kinds of conflicting personalities because of the way she is. In the Touhou universe, the majority of the characters there share the odd personality, and because of that, Youmu is often seen struggling to try and keep sane around those she interacts with.
Youmu tires extremely hard at whatever she does. If it’s maintaining her garden or training daily, she’ll do whatever it takes. Usually when she does things, the results rarely work in her favor. But because of her focused attitude, she’ll continue to try and try again. She usually sees situations or challenges as training that she is meant to undertake.
When it comes to interacting with other people, Youmu will act based on her speculation of the other person. If she sees him or her as non-threatening, she’ll simply act polite and respectful. Usually adding the honorific “-san” after whatever name she’ll learn. Her speech usually is very polite and formal. She might even seem embarrassed and shy at the start, but can eventually gain the necessary courage. However, if the person has threatened her in any way, or she has been ordered by Yuyuko to slash whoever it is, Youmu will take a turn for the worst and start acting cocky. She’ll try to insult her target very discreetly. This way she retains her calm and collected look.
Youmu however will sometimes become irritated or lose her cool if talking to someone who is acting far too idiotic for a normal person. She’ll comment on how their way of thinking doesn’t make sense, or ask what the heck they are talking about. She’ll seek answers, and if she doesn’t get them, will become quite discouraged.
But Youmu can be really naïve herself. Sometimes she’ll say things that she didn’t want to. In other words, she’ll talk before thinking, and then quickly try to cover it up. This usually results in her own embarrassment. There are still many things she has to learn, so doing it one step at a time is something she could also consider training. She also, ironically, has a fear of ghosts that can be triggered quite easily. Considering she’s half ghost, this is very strange.
But all things considered, Youmu is a fairly nice person that can shift polarities if provoked. She cares deeply about the things, people, and ghosts associated with her. She’ll protect them to no end. This kind of personality compliments her fighting style well, as it is noted in the game manual.
Have you read up on how the game works?: But of course! I’ve been here for god knows how long?
1st person sample: [Video]
[The feed clicks on showing a girl standing around looking quite confused. A white, formless spirit can be seen flying around, sometimes just orbiting the girl.]
E-eh? Where is this? This isn’t the garden! What happened?
[She starts looking around frantically.]
Oh no, could this be another test that Yuyuko-sama has decided to give to me? Oh this is the worst timing…I have to prepare for the cherry blossom trees blooming this spring.
[She looks at the camera, noticing that it’s there. Youmu decides to take a stab at communicating with it. Anything could be helpful right now.]
Ah, how does this thing work…
Let’s see…
[She backs up and bows politely.]
Hello, my name is Youmu. I am looking for someone named Yuyuko Saigyouji. I you have seen or heard of her, please let me know. If you could of any help to me, please let me know. I would be very appreciative.
Thank you.
[She stops to think for a moment.]
O-oh! And if you heard what I said before…please forget about it.
[She starts to scramble a bit, and fiddles with the feed until it shuts off.]
3rd person sample: Youmu was tending to her flowers today. The few bonsai trees she had started to grow were in need of some delicate care. Life on this ship was proving to be difficult, but it was nothing Youmu couldn’t handle if she put her mind to it. Watering the last of the plants for the day, she took out a small towel and wiped her forehead.
"Another day’s work well done. Perhaps I should make dinner."
Youmu started to walk back to her cabin. It wasn’t far away, but it gave her time to think of the recent events during the walk. Her roommates were interesting, but a few of them seemed like exact clones from others she had met back in Gensokyo. Dealing with them would be difficult, but she had to manage. At least until she could find her mistress Yuyuko.
Upon arriving at the front door, Youmu noticed a few people causing some mischief down the street. They seemed to be throwing strange objects at walls and other obstacles. But Youmu paid no attention to it. After all, it didn’t concern her, did it? Well that was true, until she was hit by one of those very same objects. It was hard, and a little sharp, a rock perhaps. A few trickles of blood fell down from where it had hit her on the head. Youmu looked over at her new enemies. One of them was shouting at her. She took that as a queue to draw her Roukanken and quickly dash her way over to where the culprits were. She stuck the end of the sword at one of the troublemaker’s throats.
"What are you doing?"
The man gave out a quiet shriek and fell silent. Youmu decided to give a quick, intimidating glance to the others who were watching, causing them to run away in fear.
"Don’t make me send you to the Netherworld. It’s a place a full human like you wouldn’t enjoy. The ghosts are very rowdy there."
The man simply apologized and Youmu re-sheathed her blade after wiping her face with her free hand. She started back on her way to the cabin. Yes, dinner had to be made still. Dealing with that, and all her other problems. She was certain this was just a test set up by Yuyuko. And she’d continue to work with it until it was complete……whenever that would be.
Questions?: Why do I love loli’s so much? T_T