God I feel very old......

Jun 16, 2009 04:09

Life is such an interesting place at this time and point. As I find myself nearing Pride and getting to hang out with my friends I question this. Krystal is gone now for good and with someone different. And now as I look back on old friends that I miss life sucks. I have new friends and some old friends but it's not the same. My sense of humor is the same as is my taste in women. Where are all the old school people to hang with and hot women at the clubs. Time seems to progress with fashion, music, people and clubs, yet I stay the same. To me it's still 2004 when you couldn't go to Lakewood or Oberlin without seeing ten alternative people. I miss the old Chamber crowd and the old Bounce crowd. These new people are okay but the old crowd was my crowd. I'm only 24 yet time has progressed so fast in five years it seems like ages ago I was young. I don't like to adapt to shit it's not in my nature. Everyone has moved away or moved onto other things. But deep down I will never forget all the fun people from years back. If only I could get some of my old normality back before Krystal came into my life. Or I am afraid I will be forever stuck in this void of time never to progress. What the fuck where have my people gone????
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