It's Thursday, and you know what that means: time to restock your digital bookshelf with all the good deals!
All standard disclaimers apply. All links lead to Amazon, although some e-book deals may be available at other e-book retailers. Some deals may not be available outside the US, and most are available for a limited time only. Being listed here is not necessarily a recommendation, just an acknowledgement of a really good price.
Heir to the Underworld![](
by ED Walker, YA paranormal, 0$
Lady of Devices![](
by Shelley Adina, steampunk, 0.99$
by John Everson, dark fantasy/horror, 0.99$
Bombay Assassins Greatest Hits Box Set![](
by Leslie Langtry, 5-book romantic suspense series, 1.95$
Henry Franks![](
by Peter Adam Salomon, dark fantasy, 1.99$
The English Witch![](
by Loretta Chase, historical romance, 2.98$
Fly by Night![](
by Ward Larsen, mystery/thriller, 2.99$
Mister Monday![](
by Garth Nix, YA contemporary fantasy, 2.99$
Modern Sorcery![](
by Gary Jonas, contemporary fantasy, 3.00$
The Magic Knot![](
by Helen Scott Taylor, paranormal romance, 3.00$
Sorcery & Cecelia: or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot![](
by Patricia C Wrede & Caroline Stevermer,
The Big Exit![](
by David Carnoy, technothriller, 3.52$
by Sherrilyn Kenyon, YA paranormal, 3.52$