First day of a new month seems an excellent time to start with some shiny new e-books for excellent prices, wouldn't you agree?
All standard disclaimers apply. All links lead to Amazon, although some e-book deals may be available at other e-book retailers. Some deals may not be available outside the US, and most are available for a limited time only. Being listed here is not necessarily a recommendation, just an acknowledgement of a really good price. Fire may be hot.
by Stefan Petrucha, futuristic sci-fi thriller, 0$
Ours is Just a Little Sorrow![](
by Gwen Hayes, paranormal steampunkish novella, 0.99$
by Heather Albano, steampunk time travel, 0.99$
The Phoenix in Flight![](
by Sherwood Smith & Dave Trowbridge, space opera, 0.99$
by Jessica Sorensen, YA paranormal, 0.99$
The Cloud Roads![](
by Martha Wells, epic fantasy, 1.99$
by Kristen Callihan, paranormal romance, 1.99$
Thief of Shadows![](
by Elizabeth Hoyt, historical romance, 1.99$
The Hangman's Daughter![](
by Oliver Pötzsch, historical mystery, 2.99$
Demons Prefer Blondes![](
by Sidney Ayers, paranormal romance, 2.99$
North of Beautiful![](
by Justina Chen, YA, 2.99$
by Alexes Razevich, sci-fi, 3.99$
Intimate Deception![](
by Laura Landon, historical romance, 3.99$