Jul 07, 2008 03:14
It all had to start somewhere. At some point, we all discovered the joys of genre fiction, and have been prowling that section of the bookstore ever since. The kids coming up now will, in another ten or twenty years, get to look back and fondly remember how Harry Potter and Twilight opened up a whole new world for them.
I read pretty widely as a kid, a lot of classics in there. I distinctly remember my dad pushing The Hobbit on me when I was ten or eleven, and I remember my surprise when I enjoyed the science fiction novel we studied in grade seven. I don't think I really delved deeply into genre fiction until I was older, though, after I started buying my own books. The bookstore on my way to work was largely dominated by fantasy, science fiction, and romance, and since I popped in there three or four times a week, well... you can guess what my personal library started looking like. I found that I liked the wide open "anything can happen" vibe in genre fiction better than the snobby literary fiction, and I haven't looked back since.
How about you guys? Did you start by filching your mom's romance novels off the forbidden shelf? Was it a youthful love for vampires? Did you find yourself looking to read more about the worlds of Star Wars or Star Trek? Lemme know, I'm curious!
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