Ok, what is with the giant freaking spiders in every fantasy story ever? Is it a requisite or something? Does the story not count as a fantasy unless there's a big menacing spider trying to eat the heroes? The giant spider shows up again and again and again, and there doesn't seem to be any reason for it! None of the other insects are huge and carniverous. No other genre has the eight-legged freaks lying in wait for whatever hobbits, wizards, or elves might cross their path. So what is it with fantasy and giant spiders?
Alright, for those smart aleks who feel the need to point out that there aren't many non-fantasy novels with hobbits, wizards or elves, that's not the point and you know it.
I am so over the giant spider subplot. Have you also noticed they're always some minor little side quest that stretches on forever? Nobody uses spiders as part of the main plot, because they're lame. All it does it fill up space and give us an extra 50 pages or so while the hero works out his flight or fight strategy. If you really want a "hero struggles with beastie" subplot, at least come up with an original critter. And come on, something sentient will always be scarier than some insect who's innocently minding its own business, trying to catch breakfast when this meddling dude with a sword wanders by.
The next time I come across a giant spider, the book will likely fly across the room. Worst fantasy cliché ever.