"New Adult" fiction

Jan 11, 2011 22:21

The teen blogger/reader over at In Which A Girl Reads brings up a very good question: why is there such a gap in fiction between YA and "adult" novels? Either the protagonist is a high school student or they're established in their adult life, with seemingly no transition between the two. There's not much out there that depicts, say, a 19-year-old college student trying to figure out how to navigate the strange new freedoms she's suddenly acquired.

According to "the industry," these sorts of books are hard to sell. Publishers just don't think there's a market for books about the growing pains of people in early adulthood, although 18-year-old angst is just fine so long as that 18-year-old is still in high school.

For myself, good writing is good writing. I don't care if the protagonist is 15 or 50, give me likeable characters and human emotions and general awesomeness. I would totally read about college-aged characters, whether they're actually attending university or starting to enter the workforce or just trying to figure out what it is they want to do with their lives. I am all in.

Anyone else?

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