There are still a couple hours left to get your December stories in. But I figure I've waited long enough to post for next month!
The January 2008 Genre of Choice is...
"Huh?" I hear you say...
That's right, Fictional Autobiography. Write up a story about yourself that is NOT true. A few notes for this month:
- You do not have to use your real name if it makes you uncomfortable, but you're expected to present a character that is YOU, doing or experiencing something that has not happened to you in real life.
- The usual strictness about not mixing other Genres will not be strictly enforced this month. If you've always wanted to write about yourself in a Space Cowboy adventure, here's your chance! The only absolutely hard-and-fast rule is that your story must be original! No inserting yourself into your favorite fandom!
So that's it! I'm in... who else?