Genre Tour! (a challenge within the challenge!)

Feb 04, 2009 13:48

Our friend, egg_chef is doing something amazing for this month's Any Previous Genre challenge: Writing in ALL the genres they missed or weren't here for to begin with. Seriously! After some discussion in the comments to egg_chef's first post of the month, I've decided to share the challenge with EVERYBODY!

So the way this works is, you go take a look at the list of genres we've already used in the past year-and-eleven-months (except fanfiction and mixed-genres), figure out which ones you haven't already used in the genrechallenge, and then you write like crazy trying to fit a story for each one into the shortest month of the year. It's going to be good times, friends. Good times.

ETA: We always allow multiple submissions, but in months past we've adhered to the rule that each participant could have only one story per month in the Anthology. For the sake of clarity this month, I state that participants may have one story PER GENRE in the Anthology. This month is all kinds of exceptional. :)

There are 25 days left in February, counting today. Go! Write! (And let us know if you're joining the Genre Tour with us so we can cheer you on!)

I may be a mod, but I missed some genres. Here's my list:

Science Fiction
Child Fiction
Dark Comedy
Time Travel

Six stories at minimum 1000 words each, plus poetry, all in 25 days... It's beginning to feel a lot like NaNoWriMo around here. Excellent!

genre tour, any genre, 2009, february

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