Do you know what cures the blues? Hot-blooded Mecha anime.

Aug 12, 2008 15:53

Okay, so I splurged just a little. Yesterday I kicked it with Ramses and Steven. After an uneventful day at work(followed by an awesome kart race), I headed down to SWC to pick up Ramses. We then decided to spend some cash at best buy, but for some reason, I thought about Steven. So I called him up and took him along with us. Other than the usual geek banter (what else are we gonna talk about, embroidery patterns?), the ride out was pretty chill.

However, when we got to best buy, the three of us found awesome stuff.

Ramses found these items:
John Woo's "Stranglehold" SE for ps3
GaoGaiGar boxset #1.

And I found:
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

And since we were hanging with the almighty Basara Nekki himself, you know that the night was going to be full of hot-blooded screaming, wanton acts of destruction, awesome pilots, transformations, and one-liners. Yea, it was a /m/an's day. To be honest, I feel kinda deprived. The Japanese kids 10 years ago got GaoGaiGar on TV, and all we had was the SILVERHAWKS. Come on, a race around the world? Some bad guys you turned out to be.

And yes, I'm now a fan of TTGL. The DVD I picked up is a steal, it's a Japanese-Audio only release, but Bandai packed in 9 episodes. Props to them for going that route. And as for TTGL, there's no tangible container that can even hope to hold the sheer /m/agnitude of Kamina's awesomeness.

macross frontier, tengen toppa gurren lagann, macross 7, gaogaigar

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