Lent it be

Feb 25, 2007 20:59

So I gave up cursing for lent. Ive already violated it seven times. The most vulgar perhaps was in a discussion of the feasibility of dinosaur copulation. Im not even sure why I'm doing this-- since I'm not Catholic. But it was either this or Firefly--- so as long as I allow myself all the GORAMS and FRAKS I can muster-- Ill be fine.

Ive also taken to using other alternatives for cursewords:

1. Bob Saget replaces G.D. it
2. Names from the 1800s I find make excellent curses (ex: BEATRICE P. HORNSWOGGLE! or CHESTER A. ARTHUR!)
3. Ive also allowed myself anachronistic curses (ex: Boulderdash! Tarnation! or Drats!)

Ive also disallowed the more offensive ethnic slurs, which is exceptionally bothersome. So Ive been forced to develop my own. Like calling blacks "Mr. Popo" (named after a minstrel show styled character from Dragon Ball Z) or whites "Finsters" (After Rita Repulsa's obscure monster designing henchmen)
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