Dec 03, 2010 16:08
Alright, folks! Here's the official lo-down on my finals this christmas. Just so you peeps know how busy I currently am X3
December 17th - Japanese Translation - 4 till 7 PM
Basically, it's a three-hour sit through a Japanese text. We have to translate specific sentences from that text and answer a handful a questions that require you to understand the text completely. So we may not have to translate the entire text, we do need to understand its contents.
December 22nd - Bunkei Hyougen - 2 till 3 PM
"Bunkei hyougen" means something like "sentence expression" and it's a small test of Japanese grammatical knowledge. We basically get a number of sentences with blanks and a handful of loose grammatical expressions. The assignment is to fit each expression into the correct sentence. The downside to this test is that the use of dictionaries is prohibited so a good knowledge of kanji is a must.
January 6th - British/American Culture Studies - 10 AM till 1 PM
A test about the British and American culture, ranging from geography to law, from religion to education. We deal with both factual issues and translation issues that are cultural bound. How do you translate a word that is fixed within one culture and still convey the same message to the audience in a translation?
The downside? Look at the date... It's on my birthday -w-0
January 12th - English to Dutch Translation - 2 till 5 PM
Kind of like the Japanese translation test. We get a text in English and we must translate it to Dutch to the best of our skills. I am not really that worried about this test.
Right now, I am focusing my energy on prepping myself for the two Japanese tests. The reason I flunked last year was because I performed poorly on those. So I REALLY need to step up and pass those if I wanna progress to the next semester. I am constructing a list of difficult, yet common words you can find in a text and learning to distinguish them on sight. That way I can A: recognize them in the test where dictionaries are not allowed and B: get a leg-up in the translation test as looking up kanji is enormously time consuming and I need every last minute of time.
So yeah, busy cat is busy 0w0 But no worries, I am not forgetting to eat. *Stirs her chicken noodles* Hmmmmm... noodles <3