Mar 24, 2009 16:48
Today, I got my teeth taken care of after I was diagnosed with two cavities. Man, was I nervous since the last time I had my teeth drilled was in 1994.
Good luck my dentist is a very nice guy who has been my dentist for as long as I can remember. So when I explained I was very nervous, he decided to assure me that the anaesthetic almost never fails. And true to his word, it all went smoothly. We did make a joke about it:
Dentist: Just let me know if you do feel anything
Me: Oh, you will know. I'll be up against the ceiling when that happens.
Dentist: ...Now let's not do that, shall we? ^^;
Despite that the procedure was painless, the DRILLING was still as annoying as hell. I almost forgot what a horrible noise it makes. No use wearing headphones either XD So I tried to concentrate on something else. What I noticed was how incredibly synched the dentist and his assistant were. Whenever HE did something, she had the right tools ready and done in a split second. So with that cooperation, my teeth were done in less than a half hour. It also helped that the cavities were very small.
Speaking of cavities: lo and behold... the photos taken last month revealed that those two were NOT the only cavities. I have practically THREE more cavities in the making, but since those were too small for drilling, the dentist wants to take pictures again next year to see if they got any bigger. So I asked him how on earth I got so many cavities. I already drew my own conclusion that it was caused by the excessive consumption of cola. And the dentist heartily agreed; carbonated beverages loaded with sugar = NO good for one's teeth. But he understood that in my situation, I sometimes have no choice. So I found another reason to hate my diabetes -w-0 But now, I brush regularly up to three times a day and I floss once every two days, so that should help.
Sheesh, the dentist said that the anaesthetic would have worn off in TWO hours. Let's do a little math: I got it administered around 9 AM, and now my cheek is still numb and it's *checks clock*.... 5 PM -w-
Phew, now that I got THAT out of the way, I can fully concentrate on my Classical Japanese test I have tomorrow. I hope it will be a little easy since that course is all but clear. And when you have to translate pre-Meiji texts... clearance would be very handy to have XD
Oh well, can't be that bad |3